Chapter 6

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So Funny

"I hate you so much. Fuck you. Fucking fuck you, motherfucking cunt. Son of a bitch," Taehyung kept mumbling, frowning as he spread the ointment on the bruised Jungkook made earlier.

Jungkook laughed, eyes focused on his laptop. It's already late yet Taehyung still couldn't move on from what happened earlier. Jungkook bit him on the crook of his neck real hard, resulting for a purplish bruise that would last for weeks.

Taehyung glared at Jungkook before grabbing a handful of his hair, pulling it with force. The ravenette yelled in pain.

"Fuck Tae! L-Let go— Fuck!" Jungkook tried to get rid of Taehyung's grip on his hair but the latter just tightened it even more. His head felt like burning and it hurt so much.

"You asshole! You had the audacity to laugh at what you did! You fucking insane!" Taehyung angrily ranted, even moving his hand that was gripping on Jungkook's hair sideways.

"T-Tae— L-Let go!"

Jungkook's face was already red and his eyes shined with tears. But Taehyung could only careless— he deserved this. His bite fucking hurts so he should have the equal pain! Even more!

After a few minutes, Taehyung finally let go, catching his breath. Jungkook held his head and cried in pain. His eyes were closed, face full of sweat and still red.

Slowly, Taehyung crawled towards him. His frown vanishing. Do I really hurt him that bad?

"Hey... Does it still hurt?" he asked, lifting his hand to touch Jungkook's head but in a blink of an eye, he was pinned down the soft mattress. He gasped. "J-Jungkook!"

Jungkook was hovering on him. He was gripping tightly on Taehyung's wrist, pinning it down. Anger could be seen in his piercing eyes.

Taehyung gulped. He won't kill me right?

"You fucking bitch," Jungkook whispered with so much venom.

He's really mad, Taehyung thought.

"Y-Yah! What y-you did to me is wor-worse! A-And I'm sure t-that i-it didn't hurt t-that much!" he reasoned out.

But Jungkook still looked angry. He was looking at Taehyung's eyes intently.

Taehyung looked away. He couldn't take the feeling Jungkook's stare was giving him.

"You deserve a punishment," Jungkook mumbled again.

That's why Taehyung ended up tied on the bed, naked with a vibrator shoved in his ass. The vibrator was set on max. He sobbed so hard when he reached his orgasm again, but nothing came out because of the cock ring Jungkook put him.

Jungkook was sitting infront of him, fully clothed, watching the blonde suffered in both pain and pleasure.

"J-Jungko-k-kook! L-Let m-me c-cum please!" Taehyung cried. "I-I'm sorry! Please!"

A chuckle made its way out of Jungkook's mouth as he stood up, crawling his way to the blonde boy. He caressed his face.

Taehyung looked at him with pleading eyes. His eyes were puffy and reddish, stains of tears still evident.

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