Chapter 4

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A Fucking Devil

"Fuck bud— What?" Taehyung asked. Surprised. Confused. It was a mixed of emotions.

"Fuck buddies, Taehyung. FUCK BUD-DIES." Jungkook clicked his tongue.

Silence. They just sat there, staring at each other. There's a disbelief in Taehyung's eyes whilst persuasiveness at the other own.

"You want... us.... to be fuck buddies?" Taehyunh asked, eyes squinting.

"Unli? Yes, I want us to be fuck buddies."

Taehyung blinked. His throat suddenly went dry. "Why?"

Jungkook sighed and leaned in, his forearms laid on the table.

"Listen; you've got a great ass. Okay? I enjoyed fuck you. And I want that to happen again. I want to fuck you again, Tae," Jungkook said in a tone that made everything sounded like a normal thing. "Another reason is that, I don't want to fuck different people. I don't want to catch some STD or what."

Taehyung took a sip on Jungkook's coke again, to replenish himself. "What if I say no?"

Jungkook flashed a cocky smirk. "Oh you won't. You would love this."

"Okay. My answer is no." Taehyung stood up and started to walk away.

The ravenette widened his eyes and start to panick. He followed Taehyung. When they got out of Mcdonald's, he grabbed the blonde's arm and yanked him to face him.

"Taehyung! Why 'No'?! It should be 'Yes'!"

"And why so? I'm not interested, okay? My answer is no." Taehyung yanked his arm back and was about to turn his heels but Jungkook stopped him once again. "Fine. Listen to me. I might not clearly remember what happened that night, but I know I had fun. I mean, I'm a sucker for sex! Anyway, I don't want your proposal. I don't like it. We can fuck once in a while if you want but we're not going to be fuck buddies."

Jungkook frowned in confusion. "Isn't that the same? We would fuck occassionally. That's what fuck buddies do, right?"

"It's not! Yes we would fuck but being fuck buddies means I won't have the right to fuck with someone who is not you anymore! I don't want that! It feels like I'm going to be caged to you. And I don't want that. Now, if you please, let me go." Taehyung yanked his arm again and this time, Jungkook let him go.

After that night, Jungkook and him did not talk for days. Yes, they would, sometimes if needed. But they're not friendly with each other anymore.

Just when Taehyung thought he found a true friend, it turned out he did not. Jungkook was just like the rest. He didn't get what he wanted, so he left.

It kind of hurt in Taehyung's part. He treated Jungkook like a real friend now. He's dissapointed as well.

Nevertheless, that's how life works. Life goes on.

Saturday night, Taehyung decided to go to a bar. He wanted to drink and dance his stress away. The past few weeks been a hell. He was buried with school works.

The sensual people dancing and grinding with each other at the dance floor to the loud pounding music was Taehyung's scene. This was his life. His comfort zone.

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