Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 | Proposal

Taehyung couldn't remember what exactly happened last night.

     He woke up the next morning feeling how sore his body was, especially his lower region. He felt tired. His head was aching so bad and the taste of alcohol was still present in his mouth.

     When he opened his eyes, he was quickly blinded by the harsh morning sunlight that was seeping past the window binds. He groaned and turned his back. He opened his eyes again and nothing but a messy comforter next to him.

     The blonde sat in confusion, whimpering at the pain striking. He rubbed the sleep off his eyes before roaming those brown orbs around.

     The room he was currently in was pretty big. The color theme was white and black. Everything was organized perfectly, except the bed. There was book shelf infront of him, and a huge flat screen T.V. On the left side were paintings and vases and a door probably the bathroom. On the opposite side was a huge window, covered with binds and curtains.

     He frowned, trying to remember what exactly happened. Last thing he remember was with Jungkook and him drinking beers.

     Speaking of Jungkook, where is he?

     He cocked his head to the left side and just then he noticed a neatly folded clothes. Above it was a post-it note.

     Taehyung took it. A messy handwritting was scribbled.

     Good morning, Taehyung. Sorry I had to leave you alone in my condo. I just have to run some errands. I already prepared you clothes and breatfast. See you in school later!

     P.S last night was the best ;)


     So him and Jungkook had sex? No doubt why his whole body was in pain. He chuckled and start to fix himself.

     Jungkook gave a nice pair of clothes; a bit large v-neck shirt and shorts, even a boxer!

     Also, the ravenette prepared him lunch. It was the usual; hotdogs, eggs and bread.

     Before leaving Jungkook's condo unit, he left a note first using the sticky not and pen he saw at the coffee table.

Your dick is big. My ass is wrecked.

     There was a ghost of smile in his lips even when he's already arrived in his class. Jungkook was still nowhere. He went back to his apartment first to change clothes again.

     He was imagining what's Jungkook's reaction when he read the note Taehyung gave.

    Taehyung took out his phone to read messages again, replying to those guy he kind of like— not in a romantic way but like in a sexual way.

     Jungkook entered their classroom before the class could even start. His eyes quickly found Taehyung's. The latter smirked. The ravenette made his way to the seat next to Taehyung.

     "Seriously, Taehyung?" Jungkook whispered, amusement was evident in his voice.

     "What?" Taehyung giggled like an innocent kid.

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