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The sun shone above as the wild waves crashed onto the shore. Contradicting the harsh sunlight, the breeze from the ocean was wild and cold. Taehyung stood at a huge rock, hugging himself. Tears kept rolling down his cheeks.

     It's been like that for a few days, he's been crying all the time. He couldn't help it. Everything hurts, especially his heart. He left his greatest love.

     And he regret it. He regret it so much. But what can he do now? It's already done. He's already left him. He already gave up.

     This is for the best, he thought. He won't suffer anymore. He'll regain everything his father took because of me. He'll marry Jimin and build a family with him. He will be happy. He should be happy.

     To somehow cover his pain, he kept telling himself that everything will be alright. That this pain he's been feeling for days will soon fade. He will move on. And when that happens, he will come back. He'll start a new life without him.

     But he'll always remember Jungkook. His first love. His greatest love. They might not be destined in this lifetime, but he promised he'll be the only person he'll ever love like this. He don't care if he grow old alone.

     Taehyung looked at the white sand as he walked onto it. Then aftera few minutes of walking, the white sanda became rocks then green grass until he stood infront of a two-storey rest house in which Park Chanyeol owns.

     After ending things with Jungkook, he quickly called his cousin, Baekhyun. He knew Chanyeol owns a rest house here in Jeju Island. He wanted to leave Seoul and moved away for the mean time to unwind things. He begged Baekhyun to tell Chanyeol that he'll be staying at his rest house for a while. Chanyeol aggreed. And that night, he flew to the said Island.

     On his first day, he never left his room. He cried himself all day, ignoring his rumbling stomach. The next day, he tried to go out and enjoy the view. He took photographs using his instax, busied himself, but in the end of the day, he'll cry. It became a normal routine for the next two weeks. It was really hard to keep going but he was trying his best.

     Taehyung entered the rest house. It was cozy and very welcomy. All of the furnitures were made out of high class woods. All the windows were open, that's why the harsh wind kept the whole atmosphere cool. It was really relaxing.

     But Taehyung was too heart broken to get relaxed.

     Taehyung sighed and was about to go to his room when he noticed a figure of a man standing behind those curtains, back facing him. He frowned and took a step forward. Every step he took, his heart felt exploding. The body.... it's familliar.

     When he's standing near him, only the white curtain seperating them, his mouth parted. His heart froze.

     The wind blew harsher resulting for the curtain to be blown past Taehyung, then resting on his back. It made Taehyung to see clearly who it was.

     Jeon Jungkook turned his heel and their eyes quickly met.

     After being froze for a moment, Taehyung's heart start to beast fast, wild. It felt like it's going to explode any second.

     Taehyung couldn't believe it. Maybe I'm just hallucinating. This isn't real. Jeon Jungkook will never be hear.

     But then Jungkook smiled and walked towards him. "This place... It's so beautiful here... And really peaceful," he said.

     Taehyung confirmed that this was all real when Jungkook slowly wrapped jis arms around him, hugging him tightly. He could feel how warmth and home-like Jungkook's body was. And how he smells. Everything shouts that he is real.

     "I missed you, baby," mumbled Jungkook. "I missed you so much."

     "J-Jungkook..." Jungkook pulled away. Taehyung stared at him then lifted his hand to touch the ravenette's face. "Y-You're here... You're real..."

     Jungkook smiled and held Taehyung's hand that was cupping his face. He kissed it. "Yes, baby. I'm here, alive and kicking." He chuckled.

     Taehyung sobbed then pulled Jungkook into a hug again. This time, he hugged him back, real tight.

     "Jungkook! You're here! Omaygad! I'm so sorry!" Taehyung cried. "I'm sorry for leaving you! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"

     Jungkook chuckled. "You're forgiven. Okay? Just don't ever leave me again. You don't know how much I got so depressed when you left me."

     Taehyung nodded rapidly while his face buried on his man's neck. "Y-Yes... I won't... I'm sorry... I-I g-got scared... And-And..."

     Jungkook pulled away and cupped Taehyung's cheeks, wiping his life's tears. "Hush, baby. I undertood why you did that. It was because of me." He smiled. "Just promise me you'll never leave again. You'll fight for us, okay, You'll never give up."

     Taehyung nodded, biting his lower lip. "I-I... I promise..."

     Jungkook kissed his forehead. "That's my baby," he mumbled. "We'll fight together this time, okay? We'll face the world together. We can do this. We can surpass this challenge, okay?"

    Taehyung nodded. "J-Jungkook... I love you... I love you so much...."

     "I love you too Kim Taehyung.... So fucking much." Jungkook then leaned closer and close the gap between their longing lips.

    Not every love story is perfect. Everything has its own flaws. Life will challenge the two of you, will give you a lot of obstacles you need to surpass with.

     And we all can do it. It may not be today, or the next day, but there will be a perfect time for it.

     It will be all possible if you're with the person who you love the most. It would be possible if the both of you will fight together.

     You should never give up.


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