Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Taehyung mewled when Jungkook sucked one of his sensitive buds. Soft cries escaping his mouth as Jungkook kept playing his nipples. The blonde's hands were entangling in Jungkook's hair, tugging it every now and then.

     He arched his back when Jungkook lightly bit it. "J-Jungkook..." he moaned. Jungkook smirked, looking up while his skillful tongue still playing the blonde's nipples, to see Taehyung's expression. It was a total turn on to see him like this.

     Jungkook was hovering between Taehyung's legs as the latter was laid flat on the sofa. Both of them were topless.

     Jungkook unbuckled Taehyung's belt, undoing his pants before tugging it down. Taehyung helping him. When they finally got rid of Taehyung's pants and boxers, his manhood sprang freely on the cold air, twitching. Jungkook took a good look at Taehyung's naked body.

     Taehyung blushed under Jungkook's gaze then covered his member when Jungkook eyed it. It earned a dark chuckle from the ravenette. "Don't cover it, baby," he said, holding Taehyung's hand to remove it from covering his manhood.

     "J-Just... Don't... Look.." Taehyung looked away, blushing even more.

     Jungkook leaned in, licking Taehyung's earlobe which made the latter to shudder at the feeling. "Why wouldn't I? It's mine," Jungkook said. "Every single part of you is mine. All mine. Understood?"

     Gulping, Taehyung nodded. He didn't think about it anymore when Jungkook kissed him again, this time it was more wild that he couldn't keep up.

     He whimpered when Jungkook wrapped his calloused and warm hand around his leaking member, pumping it in a slow pace, his thumb smearing the pre-cum. Taehyung mewled again.

     Jungkook pulled away from the kiss, a string of saliva still connecting their swollen lips. He watched how Taehyung went all weak and soft and fragile because of him. He pumped Taehyung's member a bit faster.

     Taehyung closed his eyes, biting his lower lips real hard. It haven't took a few minutes since Jungkook jerked him but he felt cumming. His toe curled when he felt himself coming at its peak.

     With a few more pumped, long string of sticky white liquid squirted from Taehyung's manhood. It painted Jungkook's abs and pants. Taehyung shudder and moan loudly.

     "Wow. You cummed that fast, hmm?" Jungkook chuckled. "You must be really turned on," he teased.

     Taehyung opened his eyes and glared at him weakily. "Shut up," he said, his voice still weak from the previous orgasm.

     Chuckling again, Jungkook stood up and start to unbuckle his belt. "It's my turn, isn't it?" He grinned when he's done undoing his pants. "Why don't you pleasure me, baby? Just like the old times." He winked at Taehyung.

     It earned a soft chuckle from Taehyung as he sat down. "Sure, Ahjussi," he teased. He knew how much Jungkook hate it, being called ahjussi while doing the do.

     And as expected, Jungkook's grin vanished and he glared Taehyung. "Taehyung," he warned.

     Taehyunh chuckled. "Fine, fine," he said as he tugged Jungkook's pants down. Then next he pulled his calvin klein's boxer down, Jungkook's long and thick manhood slapping him right away. That brought Jungkook's smirk back.

     "My dick missed you," Jungkook said.

     Wrapping his slender fingers on it, Taehyung pumped it and looked up at Jungkook. "I actually missed your dick. Not you."

     "Oh really?" Jungkook scoffed. He opened his mouth to diss Taehyung but the latter gave his manhood's head kitten licks. "F-Fuck.. Tae!"

     Taehyung smirked and licked the slit, tasting Jungkook's pre-cum. "You saying something?" he askes innocently.

     Jungkook groaned and grabbed a handful of Taehyung's hair, pulling it so that Taehyung's face would be closee to his manhood. "Shut up. Just fucking suck it. Stop the teasing."

    Taehyung laughed and pumped Jungkook's manhood. "Chill," he said before opening his mouth and putting the long and thick and really hard member infront of him inside his mouth.

     Jungkook groaned at how warm Taehyung's mouth was. It was heaven. Taehyunh bobbed his head, sucking Jungkook's shaft until it reached the back of his throat. The sound of gagged resonating in the apartment.

     "Fuck... Damn... Baby, you're so good— Oh shit, yeah, suck it deeper," Jungkook moaned, thrusting in Taehyung's mouth. Taehyung moaned as well, creating a vibration in his mouth that made Jungkook a moaning mess. "Fucking bitch. Gad!"

     A few more bobbed of his head, Taehyung felt Jungkook shooting his cum in his mouth, filling it. It was bitter sweet and really hot. When Jungkook's member stopped squirting, Taehyung pulled away with a 'pop'.

     He let Jungkook's cum to flow out of his mouth, running its way down his adam's apple, then to his chest. It was such a hot view and it made Jungkook to get horny once again.

     "Damn." Jungkook shook his head. He pushed Taehyung to lay down, putting his legs on his shoulder. Taehyung wrapped his arm around Jungkook's nape.

     Aligning his manhood in Taehyung's hole, he slowly pushed it. Taehyung whimpered in both pain and pleasure. More pain actually. It's been a while since he had his last sexual intercourse so yeah.

     Jungkook noticed the pain in Taehyung's expression so he stopped. "You okay?"

     Taehyung nodded. "Y-Yeah... Go on," he said.

     Jungkook pushed in again, slowly until everything was inside. He waited for Taehyung to adjust. After a few moments, Taehyung told him to start and he did. He thrust slowly.

     Taehyung moaned. Jungkook's pace eventually became fast and hard. He missed doing this to Taehyung. And it's been a while since he had sex too.

     "Jungkook!" Taehyung gasped when Jungkook hit his prostate. Jungkook angled and hit it again, abusing it. Taehyung moaned loudly.

     Jungkook kissed Taehyung, tasting his own cum. Taehyung couldn't respond because of too much pleasure and intensity he was feeling. Jungkook fucked him real hard.

     After almost an hour of doing it in different position, they both reached their orgasm once again. Jungkook collapsed atop of Taehyung, both catching their breaths.

     Just then Taehyung thought it was all done, Jungkook carried him to his room. And guess what happened again?


Author's Note: Smut! Yikes. Finally after how many chapters. Hope you guys liked it! Sorry if it's a bit detailed. Lol. I'm not really good in terms of writing a smut.

Anyways, I think this will end soon? Like chapter 25? Yikes. I originally planned it until chapter 30 but yeah, I don't think we can reach it anymore.

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