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Let's start the story ...
Y/N = YOUR NAME (in case u don't know . I also didn't knew when I first read scenarios 😂) thank you so much for the support guys ...

You can send me the book covers and I will give you credits .

The first few chapters maybe very bad but after that I hope you will like it .

And no comments on how I write the book, it's completely fan fiction and no hate comments or I will report you ....

And no comments on what BTS like or not cause it is my ideas,I will write whatever I want and with no offence to anyone .

Thank you


I was in Canada to study about cosmetics and stuff like that . I wanted to be in Korea as a makeup artist not because there were idols but there were people with beautiful skin and more Job opportunities, I could learn many things from them.  I completed my degree course a few months back , and worked in a parlour just for some experience. Now I am ready to go to Korea as I earned a lot of money and can afford a  dorm in Korea . I have my flight tomorrow morning . And my parents , they abandoned me few years back due to some reason.  I only  contact with my younger sister who loves me a lot and it is a secret. She knows everything .
I cooked dinner and packed my stuff for flight . I slept early as I have to wake up early tomorrow.

Time skip
I was now at the airport waiting for my flight and eating my breakfast in the airport. 
I arrived near the plane, checked in and took my seat . And yeah of course it was business class ...I worked hard for it because it was my first time a plane and I wanted to experience best of it . I took my seat and saw the people going out and in from the window, they were looking tiny . As I watched there were a group of boys coming inside the plane . I saw them and they gave me a smile and I also gave a smile to them. I have seen them somewhere I guess,  but it is not snapping right now maybe after wards ?  I took out my ear plugs and attached it to my phone. I listened to the songs I downloaded.  I was also looking out and the plane was soon taking off.  I was little nervous as I knew Korean but never spoke it , I knew Korea but never ever saw how it looked like.  I was nervous with these things , as a lady with a sweet smile said " hello Miss , would u like to have some drinks or snacks ? " .
" Yeah can I have a cup of coffee. " I said with a smile .
She handed me a cup of coffee and I took the coffee. While I was drinking the coffee I saw a person basically a man , who was reading a book and , guess what, that's the book i wanted to read but it was out of stock ,it was the book I wanted for a long time . I saw that he almost read the book and few pages were left . I was staring at the book  for a long time.  I didn't even notice that he was watching me too. He approached me and said " do u wanna read this book ?" , and I was shocked as he approached so suddenly . " No no it is okay , I was just seeing the book it was kinda attractive that's all ". I said and he gave me a smile , wow his dimples are so cute 😍 I thought as I looked into his dimples . He chuckled and went back to the seat . OMG it was so embarrassing . The sky was covered up with clouds and it looked beautiful. I took some pics from my phone and then went to sleep .

" THE PLANE IS GOING TO LAND IN SEOUL KOREA , PLZ BE READY AND BUCKLE YOUR SEATBELTS. THANK U " . With this I woke up and saw everyone buckling their seatbelts, so I did it too.

Time skipped

I came down from the plane and then I started picking my luggage. I heard a huge crowd around those 7 boys and now I knew it was BTS. OMG I could never imagine BTS was sitting next to me . Suddenly I felt someone tapping.
" Hello miss , I would like to hand u this book , Mr Namjoon gave this book and told to give this to u . " I looked at the book and it was the book that dimple guy was reading , so his name is namjoon okay . I took the book and I tried to control my excitement. " Thank u so much ". I said and took my luggage and went to take a taxi .

Time skipped
I went in my dorm and there were already 3 girls sitting on the sofa . Yeah that was a shared dorm . They came to me and greeted me
The girl with long black hair "hello my name is Jennie. Nice to meet u . "
The girl with pink hair " hello my name is nayeon . Nice to meet u ."
The girl with short hair " hello my name is Lisa . Nice to meet u ". I was feeling safe when they introduced themselves , they were all very bubbly . I liked it . Then I also introduced myself " hello my name is y/n . Nice to meet u all . I am new here and it is my first time coming to korea and I hope u will look after me . Thank u . " And there I completed my introduction.

Jennie took my hand and took me to the bedroom . Lisa and nayeon went to the kitchen .
" Hi , welcome to our room I will be your roommate and I hope that u will feel comfortable here . "
" No no I will be comfortable here . U really are a nice girl . "
"Okay so let's go out ,Lisa and nayeon will be in kitchen and they will make the kitchen hell if they enter let's move " . I giggled and went to the kitchen . OMG they are so cute I never thought I would get such a nice roommates . I went in the kitchen they were cooking then Jennie also helped and I also tried to do dishes .

When we were all set , we sat at the table and talked to eachother and I got to know everything about them and there past life z how they met , their likes and dislikes everything. And we went to our bed and slept peacefully .

I hope u enjoyed it guys ..... Plzz vote and comment so that I can know on what I have to improve and sorry for my English as I don't live in english speaking country .... Very sorry .

Bye bye ...... And I will update new chapter soon ..... Bye bye 👋👋👋

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