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Y/n pov

It is almost 3 months me and namjoon are officially dating .

And today we are going to Chicago for world tour . This is the last place of their concert .

I got ready and went to the mini van to go to the concert hall .

We entered the hall and saw BTS their and namjoon waving his hands to me as a small child full of excitement.

" Long time no see y/n " he said while tightly hugging me .

" Didn't we just met yesterday night ?" I asked .

" No not at all those hours are like years for me and I miss you so much " he said

Omg so cheesy , I thought .

" Okay now let's move inside concert will start in couple of hours " said the manager .

We all went inside green room and finished off their makeup .
But something was fishy about this lady . The one I met in cafeteria and spilled coffee on me .

Eunji , her name was Eunji .

She , all the time was near namjoon and always interfered between us .

She wanted something , I don't know but strange .

When we finished the makeup and namjoon was going to get up , from where did Eunji came , she just slipped and landed on namjoon .


" I am so sorry .... Eottokae .... " . She said . And namjoon getting up .

" No no it is okay , are you okay ?" . He said , being sweet with her . I am jealous.

And then they head out for their concert .

Our relationship was publicly known so many fans came there saying good and bad things about our relationship which I and namjoon ignored .

There was break . For 3 mins

We fixed their makeup and then again they went . They were tired and we're sweaty I could tell that from the faces they had .
It is the last day of concert they have to pull it off.


At last the concert was over and they were heading back to their hotel .

I too went , changed and rested .

Suddenly their was a knock on the door .

I said come in .

" Hello " said Eunji . She was Eunji .

" Yes plz come what happened " . Trying to be good and fake smile .

" I am sorry y/n , I didn't do it intentionally , I am sorry " . She said looking pitiful .

" Okay no problem " .

" But I have a question Eunji " . I said .

" Yeah tell what happened ?" She said .

" Why are you near namjoon all the time ?" . I asked , I wanted to know the reason .

" What ? No .... Th..that is ...not like....that though .... Umm uhhh... " She hesitated .

" Tell me now " . I said a bit serious tone .

" Actually me and namjoon dated for 2 yrs before his debut . " . She said .

WHAT they both dated ???
Did I hear correct . What the hell is this .

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