a day at bighit 2

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Y/n pov

They look damn hot with bare face I said in low voice .

" Hello ms.y/n , you are going to do the makeup of RM . " The manager said .... When BTS arrived .

" Oh okay " I said when they told me to do the makeup of RM. I know he gave me the book in the plane but I also need to thank him.
They all seated in their chairs and they started to look at eachother like they were talking about random things .... I took out the makeup brushes and makeup. 
I went closer to namjoon and took the blender and some foundation and applied on his face.  He was looking straight in the mirror to check himself . The manager told me to put light  makeup as they were going for an interview. I did the same I put light foundation and liner .. and suddenly he spoke " you are the new one appointed here ? " He said and I nodded .
" U are the same girl who looked at the book I was reading . " He said and I again nodded. 
" Hmmm so did u got my book that I left for u " he asked again now looking at me.  " Yeah I got the book and thank u for the book I am really thankful for giving me the book ... " I said in a low voice almost whispering. He just smiled and looked back in the mirror .

He is so handsome ...  I srsly like him a lot he looks different from everyone here.... And the way he talk is so sweet .. he also gave me his book to read and asked me that if I got it . No stop , don't think and focus okay focus just focus it is your first day don't make any mess okay ? I said in my mind .

I finished and he got up and said " thank u and we hope that we meet again ... ". He said while bowing me and so did I. He then leaves for the interview. 

I took my brushes cleaned it and put it back in my bag and then took out my phone and texted my sis .... We talked a lot and then I felt hungry . I went to the canteen ordered some food and started to munch down the food . Then chaeyoung came in and sat beside me .

" Oh hi y/n ... How was the day like whom u got to do the makeup ." She asked and u said " hi , I got namjoon to do the makeup and I have met him before in the plane so we had a little chit chat.  " I said . "Really did you srsly met him wow..... I am happy ... But I need to tell you a secret that no one knows except me ."  She said .... I asked " what is it ... And why are you telling me this secret ? " .  She then said that " I trust u ... U are not like other girls clingy and all that's all . " Then she continued " do u know jimin has a girlfriend.? " 
" What ... He has a gf omg ...." I said " who is she ?" I asked her ....

" The girl standing in front of you which is me ... Me and jimin are dating for past a month and no one knows it ... So plzz don't tell this to anyone okay . ?" .

I was really shocked she is dating ... Wow I srsly like her she got guts to date jimin .

" So how did to you met eachother ?" I asked then she said " it is a long story " and then she carried on telling me everything ..... " And that's how I and jimin ended up dating " she said .

" Wow really good ..... I am really happy for you .... " I said with a smile ... She is cute and pretty so I was happy jimin found her. 

Time skipped

BTS did the interview and it went well , there were many fans cheering for them and they had a proud smile .

They came back and were seated .... I went to namjoon ... Fixed his makeup and then he gave me something in my hand and told " open it after some time when no one is looking . " He said and left.  ......

What was in the thing he gave to you ? .... I am sorry for updating late as my exams are near and study study study......

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