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Your pov

It was almost a week . I came back to Seoul and was in my dorm , I don't know but I was feeling bad that I rejected him , he must have felt really bad , all my dorm mates also knew about this . And namjoon told every BTS member that I broke his heart .

I am now going to eat breakfast . There was bread toast and bacon with chips . I ate it .

" Yah y/n you didn't eat the bacon only bread is which is missing " said Nayeon .

" I am not feeling like eating , I will go okay ? "

When I was going to open the door suddenly lisa and Jennie came .

" STOP" they both shouted at the same time .

" Wah what is it " I said .
" See the hot topic right now y/n , you are doomed . " Said Jennie .

I looked at their phone and it was written


I could not believe my eyes . How did it got leaked .

My phone rang and it was namjoon .

" Yeoboseyo ( hello) " he said

" Hello namjoon what is this what news is this , what am I gonna do " I said .
" Listen y/n I am really sorry to give you trouble but today stay at house and don't come out okay ? There will be many reporter and sasaengs who will attack you , so stay at home okay ? " He said , he looked really worried.

" Y-yeah okay I will stay ." I said and hung up the call . I went to my room.

" Yahhhhhhhhhhh why me only , namjoon you should have proposed to someone else why me " I started to cry like a baby basically not crying just throwing my fit on my pillows .

When it got over Jennie came.
" What happened , calm down , nothing will happen okay . We will see you have 3 sisters with you " she said and made a face COME AND FIGHT ME . I laughed she too laughed.

Nayeon came inside and sat with me .

" Wow y/n doesn't it looks like a drama where the person is rich falls for a normal girl , I like it " said Nayeon . She 24hrs watch dramas .

"Yahh do you wanna fight me , don't you see I am in trouble " I said

" Okay , okay calm down " she said .

" Hey I wanna have cookie dough icecream , can someone bring it for me . ? " Said Lisa .

" BRING IT YOURSELF !!" we all three said .

" okayy byeee " she took turn and went out seeing us like this , it was so funny .

After sometime the doorbell rang , I looked through the hole , it was lisa .

I opened and there was almost 4 boxes of ice cream and they all were of 1 kg .

I face palmed myself

" What us this lisa , so many .... How will we finish it . " I said 4 kg ice cream and then keep them in the fridge was too much .

" Actually they were giving 2 free cause they needed to finish the stock and they were free to ... " Said Lisa . Thus girl is trouble. All of us sat on the sofa and switched in the t.v and we started to see movies with one pack of ice cream in each hand .

The movie was over and we are now gonna make dinner .

My phone rang .

" Hello ?" I said .
" Hello it is me Jackson . I changed my number. "

" Ohh where are u right now . " I said

" I am at Han bridge , the bridge is really beautiful . "

" Yeah it is , i myself went there many times " I said .

" Hmm , are you okay ? I heard the news " he said . Of course I was not .

" Yeah I am okay , my frnds helped me a lot . " I lied

" I know you are lying y/n " he said . He knew that I lie to make him feel comfortable.

" Hmm , I am not , I don't know what to do , I was so scared . " I said

" I know you will be fine . I will help you " he said

" Hmm , okay bye I will go , gonna eat dinner " i said .

" Okay bye " he said and then he hung up

I went to eat dinner. I ate the dinner and went to my bed. .

I checked my phone . There were many messages from namjoon

N - hey ... Are you okay ?
- I am really sorry , I caused you trouble .
I don't know how it got leaked I tried my best to hide it , someone must have leaked it .

I am sorry y/n I am really sorry.
I will try my best to control the situation .

Wow he was really sorry , so I messaged him .

- it is okay no problem, I will also try my best and don't need to worry about me I am okay.

With that I took my phone and put the charging plug In it . And drifted to sleep .

I am sorry to update it really late .......... I was super busy ......

I know it is crap right now . I will write more in the next chapter .

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