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Your pov .

I was really upset with what happened . I was eating my breakfast and one by one everyone was leaving me .

" Hey if something happens tell me I will break there legs " said Jennie .

I giggled and they left .

Then the door bell rang . I think that one of them must have forgotten something , so I opened the door .

But . No they were not Jennie , Lisa , Nayeon or the reporter but was Nathan standing there with a smirk on his face .

" What are you doing here ?" I shouted while closing the door but he caught it and came inside .

" Hey babe , I think that you are having fun home alone . " He said while coming close to me and I could sense the feeling as he said , flirting.

" Stay back from me you asshole . What are you doing here move out " I said while pushing him but he was to strong that he hold me and then pushed me into the wall .

I winced in pain as I knew what he was gonna do . He started to hold me tight so that don't have space to leave or beat him .

He brought his lips near my ear and whispered " I waited for this so long babe " he said and I could feel that he was smiling .

" Pls leave .... I don't want it plz I beg you " I said trying to pull off but him being to strong .

He started to kiss my neck and leaving spots . He came towards my cheeks and then lips . He forced his lips to mine.  I tried to remove , to escape out off his grip but failed . He then started to lift my top that I was wearing , I tried hard , I was begging him to stop but he didn't listen .

" STOP " I cried . He didn't listen . With my last force I pushed him and he fell I came out of his grip and started to run but he caught me again and pulled me towards the sofa . He was now on top of me and pulled my hands above me . He locked my legs with his legs and started to kiss me roughly . Tears were rolling down my cheeks , I was remembering every flashback he did to me how he used me and raped me , I thought coming to Korea I will forget it but was not true. .

He then he put his hand under my shirt taking a grip and trying to take off . I was pushing him trying to stop but as I told you he not like other guy he spent 5 hrs in gym and was really tall so me was nothing to him but a doll .

I cried

" Nathan please for god sake pls stop "I said .

" No babe do you know that I love you " he said .

He ripped my shirt off and then started to kiss my collar bone I was crying so hard .

Until I felt someone pulling Nathan off me and few other giving their jacket to me .

It took time to realise because it was too fast. 

It was Namjoon .

And with him was Suga , jungkook , jimin . They all were beating Nathan .

" Stop don't fight at my house . " I said.

" Are you okay y/n ?" Said namjoon coming and giving a warm hug that I never felt before .

" I.. I am okay don't worry " I said wiping my tears .

" Who is he ? " Asked Suga .

" He was my boyfriend , he tried to rape me so I broke with him and came to Korea " I said , I saw how angry namjoon was and Suga . Namjoon was controlling his anger not to kill him .
If eyes could kill him Nathan would have died 1000 x 5 times for sure . Jungkook was also angry and you know how jimin is when angry ( jimin is the scariest even I in real got scared of him for the first time )

They called the police and took Nathan .

I went to my room took my clothes and went to the bathroom .

I filled my bath tub and went into the tub and felt the warm water all over my body .

And then I started thinking what happened to me in the past and how I ended up . With all that thinking I went inside the tub with water till my head.  I could feel that my brain telling me to stop and breathe but my heart telling me to be there for more time . And with that darkness surrounded me .


I opened my eyes . The room was familiar . And there I saw namjoon standing with the 6 of them now . I looked at them .

" Y/n why did you do that , if I would have not came on time then i would have lost you . " He said while caressing my hairs and looking really worried. 

" What would have happen if you left me , who would have played with me " taehyung said while pouting.  I just smiled and said sorry to all of them .

And that's when hunger hit me hard like a truck .

" I am hungry , let me make something . " I said .

" No , no ,no not at all " said Jin .

" When you have the professional then why you need to make it . " Said Jin with eomma aura .

" Oh really could you make . "

" Hey , I am the incharge of making food and raised them . " Pointing towards everyone .

I giggled and then went to the hall .

Jin was making food and the members fooling around him. 

And that's when my roommates came . Well they came . I am in trouble. 

" Hey y/n -- " said all of them .

" Wait , am I dreaming " said Lisa .

" Oh y/n who are they ?? " Said namjoon .

I hope you like it ....

I am dead when jhope dropped the daydream MV and then airplane MV without even giving
notification .
Well with that you must have figured out that I am dead .

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