Someone Else Is Falling

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When taehyung said namjoon likes me I was really shocked .

I did tae's makeup , until the lady came who was doing namjoon's makeup,  came to me and said " hello , plzz can u do a favour for me ?"

"Umm yeah what is it ??"

"Actually I have to go somewhere and I didn't complete namjoon's makeup and can you do his makeup plzz??"
She said and I doubted my fate, did fate planned to create this situation and face namjoon ? That was the only thing that was going in my mind .

"Okay , I will do , you can go " I said with a smile .

"Ohh thank you so much , I will never forget this favour thank you . " She said while taking her hands in mine and squeezing it gently , she was way elder than mine .

I went to namjoon's chair and took brushes .
" We met again y/n " he said while looking at the mirror.

"Yeah we met again hehe" I said but it was really awkward. And there , our taetae was seeing both of us as we got married recently and are shy on front of everyone.

I did his makeup and he looked at me.
" Are you uncomfortable with me?" He asked me

" Uh nooo, not at all "

"Really?" . He said , and giggled .

The awkward moment was finished as I gave the last Stroke to the eyeshadow on his eyes. I left.

You know when I am nervous I like to eat sweet dishes ...

I took out a chocolate bar and started stuffing my mouth . I was nervous like hell ....

How will I face him ? How will he react ?

Omg so much tension , taehyung why do you have to tell me this .....

Time skipped

I started to head towards home and it was quite strange that Nathan till now didn't do anything to me .... Is it like silence before the storm??

I , now was opening the door of home , but strange it was already opened .
Did Lisa and Nayeon forgot to close the door ? Or did someone broke in ??
If someone broke in then it is not good . I grabbed the pepper spray in my hand that I always keep with me in case you know emergency....

I entered the room , there was some noise in the kitchen probably the fridge . I saw a man standing .

I was really scared to death . Who was he a thief .

No . And he turned around . Instead of being frozen I was squealing in happiness .


Me and Jackson are best frnds for past five years. We are like chewing gum.

Me and Jackson were doing our weird dance . And him laughing like Hyena.

We both greeted
" OMG. my Jackie .... "

"Oh my kiwi " he said . He Likes to call me kiwi cause I love kiwi .

We both hugged .

" When did you came ? And he did you entered my dorm ." I asked .

" I will tell you that later but now make me my fav banana pancakes, you know I was craving for them so much. " He said , his face looked like he only came for pancakes .

" Okay I will make them but I don't -" he cut me off
" No worries I brought the ingredients" he said , and that's what I was asking.

I took the ingredients from his hands and went to make the pancakes .

" So how did you come here inside ." I asked .

" Me . I think you forgot , you still use that cheap technique to hide the key below the flower pot . " He said , omg he knows it shit .

The pancakes were ready and he snatched it from me and started digging in . And one more thing the pancakes and the only thing I can make .

" Wow, these are really delicious I can't imagine not eating these for a month . " He said , tasting every corner of the pancakes.  

" Now tell me what you really want " I knew he was joking for all the time as I can see his worry on his face .

" I just came to protect you from that son of b*tch "

" So you got the news . Really fast "
"I have many sources kiwi"

He ate the pancakes and put the dishes to the side .

" Here I brought this for you . " Said Jackson .

" What is .. OMG , THANK YOU JACKIE , I LOVE YOU " I said


It was my fav colour dress with white heels and a really fancy watch .

" I love these Jackie " I said

" I know , I bought these cause you wanted them . " He said and I gave him a hug .

We talked a lot , we both are chatterbox .

We didn't realise that it was almost 8pm .

" Jackie where are you staying . " I asked
"Me . I have booked a hotel and then I will take a dorm for rent "

" Ohh , my dorm mates will be coming soon . Do you wanna meet them. "

" If its not a problem then its ok " he said .

The door bell rang . There came Nayeon and Lisa. 

" Oh hi " said Lisa to me .
"Who is this handsome guy?" She said it in my ears .

" He is my best frnd " I said z I knew what she was thinking .

Jackson entered

" Hello my name is Jackson and I am y/n 's best frnd " he said

"Oh hi " said Nayeon . She was blushing , she must like him .

" My name is Lisa and she is Nayeon , we both are room mates  ." Lisa said .

" Okay now go and wash yourself . I made some pancakes , go go" I said and they went in .

" They both are really cute " said Jackson .

" Hmm they are but silly too , whom you liked . " I asked , he rarely says girls cute.

" I guess Nayeon though , she was really cute and shy . "

" I thought so ... But she has a boyfriend" I said , I was saying lie .

" Oh really that's okay , hehe , I will head to hotel though " he said , he was looking so sad , aww .

" I was joking you pabo " I said while he was leaving. 

He gave me a smile and then went out .

Thank you for reading .

Meme I wanted to share

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