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Y/n pov

I was back to Seoul and concert was over .

* At home *

" Ahhh I am so tired " I said to Lisa .

" I knowww I am also tired ". She said

"Why were you tired girl , you were home all the time " I said .

" I was cheering for BTS all day long through phone , laptop , Twitter . " She said . Omg lot of hardwork .

I just went to sleep .

* *Millions years later I mean the next day**

I woke up and today was holidayyyy.

I woke lazily and brushed my teeth .

Went to have breakfast and I ran to wake Lisa and Nayeon up.

Jennie went on a date with his boyfriend .

" Hey lazy ass wake up , it's morning and go out somewhere " I said . They sleep like they went on hibernation.

There were groans for not waking up and sleep some more time .

" Hey Nayeon Jackson called me , he wanted you to go at his house like a date or someth-" I was gonna say .

There stood Nayeon rushing to bathroom and came out like bullet train . WOW

" Okay I am going bye bye " she said .

I was shocked wow.

Lisa too woke up .


I got a text msg from Jimin to come at their dorm for time passing and they invited Lisa too .

I got ready and went there.

Ding dong

" Open the dooorrrr" I said . They take time what do they do .

" Heyyy y/nnnnnn" all shouted . Like children .

" Heyyyyyyoooooo" I said .

" How are you doing " Jin said .

" Doing good " I said and went inside with Lisa . She was like statue .

" Hi-hi I'm li- ". She was gonna say .

" Lisa right ?" Taehyung said .

" Yeah how did you know my name " she asked with eyes popping out .

" The day I came to your dorm you said your name " he said with a box smile .

She smiled and went in .

We chatted for a long time .

" Grrrrr " my stomach growled in hunger . Shit this is embarrassing.

" Ahh my jagi is hungry , let me bring some food for you " he said . So sweet .

He bought some snacks for all of us and I stuffed all of them .

Now , we were talking to eachother .
Namjoon and me , Lisa and taehyung , and rest to eachother .

" Are you having contact with Eunji ? " . I asked him .

" No no not at all " he said . Looked nervous .

We talked a lot .

" Heyyyy it is boring .. let's do something . " Said jhope and jimin .

" What should we do ? " We asked .

" Let's play dare and dare " said jhope .

" What is dare and dare I heard only of truth and dare " I said .

" There will be no true only dares" he said .


We started by spinning bottle .

" Lisa , I give you dare to go and flirt with taehyung " I said .

She did . She looked hot though any boy will fall in love with her .

" Jhope see a 2 min ghost video " said Suga .

And we met only with screams . Oh god .

" Hehe y/n I give you dare to have a sexy dance with jimin " . Said taehyung .

" I will kill you " . Said namjoon .

He was jealous .

The way jimin put his hands on purpose to make namjoon jealous and me too doing the same . We enjoyed it . And now namjoon sat really close to me literally hugging me.

We played the game for a really long time and we were out of ideas and plus we didn't knew that it got late night.

" Hey we should leave soon namjoon " I said .

" yeah let me drop you " he said and I nodded .

We then took our leave and went to the car to leave .

He opened the door for me and I sat the same for Lisa . .

We were driving plus late at night .

We were talking and laughing a lot .
Namjoon telling all the Jin dad jokes and so much fun we both singing songs in funny way we were having so much fun ...

But ....

Namjoon looked at me and I looked at him we both looked at eachother .

" Namjoonnnnnnnn look forward " said Lisa .

And then.

We met with and accident . A huge one with a truck .

I don't know what happened after that .

I just woke up in a bed with white blanket on me and my head hurting a lot . And that's when I thought where namjoon was .

" Where is namjoon ?" I asked to the one figure standing in front of me .
Still the image blurry.

" Y/n are you okay " . Voice was familiar . I know who it was .

My sister .

She was my sister .

Jessie .

" Jessie ?? " I asked .

" Yeah it is me are you okay " she asked.

" Yeah I am "

" Thank god , you have been lying her for past 3 days . "

" What ? 3 DAYS " I SAID .

" Yeah , okay ... I know it is long time "

More people came in and everyone asking me how was I .

" But guys where is namjoon and Lisa " I asked .

" Lisa is doing great she was discharged yesterday . " Said Jennie .

" And namjoon hyung he ..... "

" He what ?" I asked .

" He .. he ... He .. he went to coma" said jungkook .

" WHAT " I said . No way this can't be .

" He went to coma ?" I asked again thinking I must have heard wrong .

" Yes " said jungkook .

No . This can't be happening now.

Sorry guys for my late updates .

I hope you like it .

And special thanks to 7Boyzwithfun for always voting and commenting on my chapters 😊😊😊 thank you ...

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