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Guys I am gonna put namjoon's pov. This whole chapter Is namjoon's pov ....

Namjoon pov

I was coming from our shoot and was on plane that's when I saw y/n sitting on her seat and looking out of the window. She looked like a small cute girl who is just so curious . I giggled and took my book out .

I was reading my book until Suga hyung tapped me on my back and pointed me towards her .... She was sooo lost in the book cover that she didn't even noticed .... When she noticed she just looked away , making an OH -SHIT  face .

I wanted to laugh out loud but there were other passengers also so I controlled . She definitely wanted my book which I was reading , cause I saw her reading a book , maybe a bookworm ??

We got off the plane and told the air hostess

" Excuse me miss " I said
" Can you plz give this book to the person wearing blue t-shirt ??" .

" Okay " she said . I gave her the photo of her and asked her name too . So that's when I knew her name.

Idk if she had given her the book z but she must read it .

I was in the car and looking out until Hoseok asked me
" Yahh namjoon-ah , I wanted to read the book when you finished why did you gave it to her " he said .
" She wanted it so I gave her " I said and took out my earphone and listened to the music .

I dozed off .

The next day when we were at the bighit , I saw her . She was more clear than before . She looked excited to work . When I sat down and she started doing my makeup I don't know why she felt comfortable , she was like something soft . I wanted her so bad that idk if it was love or obsession . I guess she is my first love .
I never felt like this before any girl .

Time skipped

We came at the dorm and as usual all were making mess. 

Suga was the calm one cause he was sleeping .

Taehyung came to me
"Hyung let's play this game , it is called just for a minute . " He called other members too .

" So this is a taegame .... Means it is made by me . As you know just a minute game is to speak on a topic for one minute but you are gonna say something about someone for a minute . Like anyone you love or hate ."

The bottle was spinning now and it stopped on Hoseok .

He said about her sister and then to jimin , tae , Jin , jungkook and then on me .....

Idk what to say so I said on y/n . She was the first person who came to my mind .

" Okay I will speak , I call her 'HER' cause Idk her now . She is really sweet . The way she smiles I wanna go more deep . Her brown eyes were hypnotizing me . She looked so perfect , perfect to be mine . She didn't have a pleasant face like something she wants to gain . The way she looked at me was something I felt never before . I was so happy to see her that I wanted to make her mine . I don't know what happened to me when I wanted to speak , first time I was scared what to say to her , at last I guess me and HER were FATED to meet eachother.  " And that's when I stopped and everyone looked at me blank . Like I did something wrong . And suddenly everyone went

" WAaaaaaaahhhhh , is he in love ?? .... My children's dad is in love . " Jin said with fake tears . Idk what I said , but whatever I said I felt really good .

" Yah our hyung is in loveeeeee" said the maknae .

" Yah it is enough , now go to sleep . We have to leave early tomorrow. " I said and went to my room .

I laid on my bed and took my phone out full of pictures of my HER .
Her name was y/n and I was happy that I met her ....

End ...... I hope you like this chapter let's wait what will happen in next chapter .

Namjoon knows y/n's name but doesn't want other members to know so he called you HER .

Thank you for reading ...

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