... PAIN ...

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Namjoon pov

Everything was really blur ... I felt like floating .. it was like my memories were fading away , my happy moments were fading away with one I love the most . Y/N . She was gone in my memory . ......

Y/n pov

I waited for him to open his eyes .
Him laying on the bed with wires on his hands and body . I felt the pain inside me . I was scared .

What if he wakes up but doesn't recognise me ? What if he never wakes up ?

These thoughts continually coming in my mind .

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It was now 3 weeks . Him laying on the bed . Fans praying outside the hospital . BTS members seeing him like this .

" Y/n you should go and sleep , you need rest " . Said my sis , Jessie .

" No I am not feeling sleepy , you go and sleep " I said to her .

She went out of the room with sad face .

There were jimin , Jin and Suga with me .

" It will be okay y/n , he will be fine . " Said Suga . The first time he comforted me with these words . I know he was also shocked .

" Yeah , y/n you go and eat something we are here with hyung " said jimin .

They forced me , and not to make sad I went to the cafeteria .

I ordered one sandwich . That too I didn't want to eat . Those 3 weeks are like months . And that Eunji visited namjoon frequently . She came today too .

Someone came to me .

" Y/n ... Y/n .... Nam---namjoon opened his eyes he is awake " came running Jin .

What ? He woke up ......

I ran to the room .... Saw him he was awake and looking at the people around him .

" Aiggoo namjoon oppa ... Why??? You gave me heart attack. " I said while crying which I controlled for 3 weeks ... It let out today ....

" I missed you so much .. I thought I never will be able to talk to you again " I said ... Sobbing out loud .

" But . Who are you ? " . He said . Namjoon said .

The worst nightmare of my life .

" W-what .. y...you don't know me namjoon " I said in disbelief .

" Namjoon I am y/n ... Y/n namjoon try to remember for god sake " I said . Shocked . Trying not to believe in this .

" Namjoon , do you remember him ?"  I said pointing at jimin .

" Yeah , jimin , Suga , and Jin . I am a member of BTS . " He said .
" But I don't get who you are . " He said .

It felt really sad , hurt , in disbelief that he doesn't remember me .

The doctor entered .

" Excuse me may I check on him plz " he said .

He checked namjoon for sometime asking him some questions .

" I am really sorry but namjoon doesn't remember y/n but he remember the moments with BTS . His brain eliminated all y/n memories as he was close to her the most . He forgot all the persons he loved the most like his parents and you y/n " . He said .

I cannot believe in this .

" Excuse me ... But may I ask you a question " said namjoon from the back.

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