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Your pov

I was getting ready again for the evening shoot . I wore those same clothes again and moved down .

I saw all the members chatting . I think I was early .

I took out the brushes and got ready , other artist also arrived .

I went to jungkook for makeup .

" Hello " he said. 
" Hi " I replied. 
" RM hyung told us about the incident . Don't worry you have golden maknae , I am made up of steel , I will beat him to death " I smiled at his innocence .

I did his makeup and cleaned the brushes .
" Did he do something ?" Said the person behind .

" Oh when did u came.  And he did nothing till now . " I said .

" If he does tell me , and now I srsly mean it " said RM.

The way he looked at me made me believe the words taehyung said to me he likes you .

" Ah - okay now I may leave thank you " I said and left .

What was that ? Wow y/n coming to Korea made really difficult   .


The photoshoot was over after many hours , I didn't even looked at the watch to see time , I was sleepy .

" Thank you for your hard work " said the director to everyone and slowly everyone left , me too ..

I entered my room and saw my phone ringing. 
" I didn't took my phone down so strange " I said to myself . So this was the reason my purse was feeling really light.  I am such a fool .

I picked up the phone and saw it was Lisa video calling me.

" Oh hi Lisa , missing me already "I said .

" Hiiiiiiiiii " she screamed through the phone. 

" I thought you died , you didn't picked your phone.  " She said .

" Yah why will I die , I have many things to do before death " I said , laughing .

" Are you okay there ?" Said Jennie , indeed our mom , I gave her the title mom the way she takes care of us .

" I am okay , are you guys okay ? " I asked .

" Yeah we are fine " said Nayeon

" So when you coming " Nayeon said .

" In 2 days . " I said .

"Ohhhh , then can we touch your snacks , I am craving for them, you might not know " said Lisa .

" No way , YOU ARE NOT GONNA EAT THEM , " I said . Those are my freaking precious snacks . No one gonna take them .

" Okay , we will not eat them " said Lisa , but I saw her stuffing my snacks .

" Yahhhhhhhh don't eat another bite , I swear I will kill u , LISA "

That's when she cut the call .

My precious snacks .

But , again I got a call .

" Hello , y/n? " Said namjoon .

RM pov 

When we all finished the schedule . I saw her going back to her hotel room.

I don't know why but I felt like I should say my feelings to her and so did I . I  prepared a secret place that I know in Jeju . I discovered when I was little. I went to that place and decorated it with red Petals and had a bouquet . I called her on her phone and she picked up .

" Hello y/n " I said. 
" Hello , namjoon? "
" I know it's bit late but can you come to the place I am telling you to come ?  please if it is possible ,  and I am really sorry to call you at this time but I really wanted to meet you" said I

" Yeah it's completely fine and don't be sorry I am first not doing anything where is this please can you send me the address please . I'll be there in 5 minutes if it's not that far though. " She said .

I messaged her the address and so everything, if everything was right.

She she came even though she was wearing the same dress that she would while working but she look so beautiful that my eyes off her she looked really perfect for me.

I looked at everything again. 

" Oh my God,  what is this  , what is this , what is , what is with these petals . " She said .

" Y/n don't get shock with what I am doing to say now please listen it carefully and I just want your answer in yes or no . " I was really nervous , more nervous than our first debut.

She looked so confused I could see that In her eyes .

"Y/n listen me carefully . "
" Hmm yeah speak . "

" I know it is strange but I don't know when I saw you I felt something strange in my heart I thought that I got something which I was looking for many years I don't know what it is but whenever I see you my heart beats really fast even I could hear my heart beats really loud I don't know when you are in front of me I cannot think of anything beside you . I don't know what it is said obsession or love. "

" I like you y/n " I said and my heart beat stopped .
She looked at me with those wide eyes and mouth flung open .

She didn't say anything about it , no reaction ..... Does she not like me ?? Does she have someone else ??

Your pov

When namjoon said he likes me . My mind went blank , I couldn't listen anything nor see anything . I just stayed there with no response.

I don't know what to say , do I like him or not ..?? I was not sure what to do . I was really in huge shock that the famous RM is proposing a normal makeup artist .

And I did one thing , I ran away .... I ran as fast as I could . I couldn't face him now , and I don't know my eyes were full of tears.  I just ran off from there , leaving him here .

Namjoon pov

She just ran away . I think I was not enough for him ... She must have someone else . So I also went to my hotel room , with a heavy rejected heart , I just went off . Not seeing where she was going I also went far away not able to face her . I was rejected . Me RM the famous group BTS RM was rejected by a common girl..... Wow what a life ....

Don't kill me guys ... I know that you will not reject him at any cost ..... Plz don't kill me ....

Anyways thank you so much for reading ..... Love you guys ...

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