A Night With Him

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Y/n pov

When he kissed me I was so shocked and he just went away ...

I was standing there like a dummy .

The first thing that came to my mind was :

1. There should be no one here , no more bad news .

2. Why did he kissed me ?

3. His kiss is so soft .

When i was thinking about it someone shouted my name and I went there .

" Y/n we are moving let's get inside the car " chaeyoung said .

" Oh yeah I totally forgot it . "

We were now at the building and we were packing our bags to head home .

" I am done are you ?? " I asked chaeyoung.

" Yeah I am let's go" she said .

From a distant a figure was coming towards me . And they were reporters . REPORTERS .

Oh man holy shit .

I want to run but they were fast .
They all surrounded me like I am the last one alive .

They were asking me questions and questions and I was giving answers.

And from the back someone came and that was Namjoon.

" Excuse me please , I would like to answer all the questions " said him .

I now also was confused . I don't know what to do .

" Namjoon are you dating y/n ? " Said one of the reporter .

There was all silence in the hall the Flash's were the only sound heard now .

Namjoon took a big pause and then answered while holding my hands tightly indicating me that I shouldn't say anything.

" Yes , I am dating y/n " he said . I was so shocked but couldn't express due to cameras.

There was a loud regretting shouts from the back the disappointed people were there .

" And I don't want you to harm , disturb or point on y/n again " he said and then he took my hands and took me to his van with BTS members .

I sat on the van with other members too.

" Are you okay y/n ? " Said namjoon .
" Oh yeah I am okay , but that was horrible " I told him .

" I am sorry y/n for this . I didn't knew they will enter like that , I am sorry for giving you trouble " he said . He was really sad for what happened , so I forgave him ... But there was little awkwardness cause of the kiss .

We arrived at the dorm covering my face with his jacket while reporters outside where asking questions that we couldn't listen clearly .

We entered the dorm . We all sighed loud . And sat on the sofa .

We all where looking at each other like we won a gold medal .

" So , are you guys really dating each other ?? " Said Jin .

" No , it just came out of my mouth and now the reporters will not come again to disturb us . " Said namjoon .

I was happy that he didn't meant it but then also it hard on my heart .

We all were now talking , laughing and playing and me also helping Jin and Suga for cleaning the house and then I noticed how bad there house was , the socks in the corner , shirts and trousers all the things were lying here and there . I sighed and picked up the things and threw it to the washing machine .

After that Jin called us for dinner .

I took a bite and moaned in it's taste . It was delicious .

" Jin oppa it is really delicious " I said while making a thumps up sign .

He smiled and sat to eat dinner with us we had lots of fun and then something happened which made Jin angry. What was that ??

Obviously related to namjoon . He broke the plate in which he was eating beef.

"Yahhhhhhhhhhh namjoon-ah ... Come here my hand really wants to meet your face to give you a tight slap .... Come here where are you running " said Jin , as namjoon was roaming all over the house to be saved from Jin .

" Mianhe hyung , I will not do it again I promise " said namjoon panting hard .

" You are saying this for the 15th time now I will not listen " he said and came near to namjoon held him by his ears dragging him to the broken plate .

" Clean the mess now , means NOW " he said .

Jin and namjoon srsly looked like husband and wife to me they were cute .

Namjoon cleaned the plate and then sat back on the chair . .

I finished my dinner .

" Thanks for the dinner , I think I should go " I said .

"NO " said all the members .

I stood there frozen.

" Oh okay " i said taking a little pause .

They all sat on the sofa .

" Listen you stay here for awhile and don't come to work now for some time . It is for your good only " said Suga. Wow what a caring brother

I then was feeling sleepy .

" Hey I am sleepy where will I sleep " I asked .

" In my room " said namjoon .

" What - no I mean how can I sleep there , where will you sleep ? " I asked him .

" No prob my bed is big not to small that we both will not squeeze each other " he said while smirking . Wow he smirked .

I know it is his intention to sleep with me . I thought .

" I don't have any intention y/n just sleep and take pillow as a margin line " . He said . Did I said it loud ?? I guess so .

We all went to our room .

" Namjoon why is your bed big as compared to others ?" I asked him .

" All of them lost the bet in a game to I got this bed hehe they were pissed off that day " he said . I chuckled and went to sit on his bed.

" Wow it is so comfy ... I like it "
He was standing in front of me and me facing him sitting on the bed .

" I know that is why I tried my best to win the bet " he said while taking out his shirt and boxers .
He approached me
" Wear this shirt and boxer , you may feel uncomfortable in these clothes . " He said . I was so shy omg , him giving his shirt .

I took and went to the bathroom to change my clothes . His clothes smells good . I wore them and then came out of the bathroom.

I sat on the bed and I didn't noticed he was shirtless . Omg .

His muscles are hell. So fine .

" Hey , put some clothes I don't like naked men " I said ignoring me.

" First of all i am not naked I have my boxers on and second that I always sleep shirtless. " He said and then took his phone and started scrolling down .

I took the blanket brought it up to me and then sleep inside the blanket do warm and cosy .

And then I drifted to sleep ........

Hey guys I will upload chapters every Thursday . And I hope you like it .

Thank you so much and take care of yourself.

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