7. Jobi Nuts

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I don't know where Madi and the Rover have gone, I just know they're out of sight from the ship.

My eyes follow the ship as it descends towards the ground. I'm on a higher part of land than where they're landing, so I have to peer over the edge to find them.

I see the thrusters slowly stopping, and for a few minutes, no one comes out of the ship. Who are these people?

I wait there for what seems like an hour, but still, no one comes out.

I finally build up the courage to stand up and calmly walk away and look for Madi. I know she's safe because no one got out of the ship.

"Madi?" I sort of whisper and yell at the same time.

Not too far away from me to my left I hear the revving of the rover's tires. I quicken my pace and start towards that direction.

Once the rover is finally in my line of view I run towards it. I open the passenger door and hug Madi so tight.

"Natblida," I say with a smile.

"Clarke!" She exclaims. "Who were those people? Are they nice?"

I was silent for a while. "I don't know Madi, they never came out of the ship. I wish I had all of the answers, but I don't. My apologies Natblida."

"Apology accepted, badass Clarke."

Before I tell her our next plan, I have to think of what we're going to do. What if they come out at night and we're not protected?

"Okay, Madi, here's what we're gonna do," I begin. Her eyes look attentive at mine. "We're gonna stay on our patch of green, but hide the rover in the trees, so our sleep will hopefully be undisturbed, alright?" She nods at me. "In the morning, I'll scop out the ship again, but I'll be careful I promise. Maybe if I can get them on our side, they'll help us dig out Octavia. You've always wanted to meet her, so that will be your chance. Okay, let's put this plan into action."

Madi starts the rover and drives towards the trees. Madi is nothing like any of my friends. She is a mix of all of them with her traits; bravery, skillful, resourceful, smart, but most of all; loving. But, she can be a bitch, I guess we all have our moments, so that's nothing new. Her green eyes remind me so much of Octavia's. I think she might grow up to be like her, and I see them having a lot in common when they finally meet.

By the time we find a good amount of bushes and trees to be sheltered under, it's already 2:00 pm. We still have a long day ahead of us. So, to pass the time, we decide to pick berries.

When we were first alone and realized we had to fend for ourselves after Praimfaya, finding food to eat was hard. I still remembered some tips and tricks that I got on Earth Skills back in the Ark. I knew what berries and nuts to stay away from- I knew to stay away from Jobi nuts because of Jasper and his 'gang' of friends. But finding berries wasn't the worst of it. I had to learn from Madi how to hunt and catch fish. Bellamy had previously taught me, but it wasn't enough to remember.

Bellamy. I miss him. I miss everyone. I miss my mom ( I still can't believe I have been taking care of Madi for five years without the help of my mom.) Madi was basically my only reason to live after Praimfaya. Her and the thought that I'll be reunited with Bellamy.

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