11. Clarke Blake

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Holding my hands up in defense, I slowly turn around to be met by an unfamiliar face. I study him, looking up and down.

"I didn't come here looking for trouble," the mysterious friend says.

"Then put the gun down," I say, my voice steady.

He smirks. His arm left arm slowly goes down. He must be left handed if he shoots with his left. He's apprehensive to trust me, which is a smart move. He holds out his hand, wanting me to shake it. I refuse.

"The rest of you can come out now, if you'd like to join us!" I shout.

Slowly, one by one, two other people, one a woman, one a man, are now near me and this other man.

"My name is Zeke, Zeke Shaw. And yours?" The man in front of me tells me.


"That's it? Just Clarke?"

"Blake. My name is Clarke Blake," I lie. I'm not giving them my real name yet,  although it wouldn't matter. I turn to face the other man and woman behind me. I give them a look that means tell their names.

The woman speaks first. "Charmaine Diyoza." Her hair is up in a pony-tale. She had golden brown locks, and eyes as a deep blue-gray that remind me of space. She's tall and looks strong.

"Robert McCreary." The man says. He's older than the other two, he has a very strong jawline and looks very intimidating.

"Clarke!!" Madi yells. Her voice is distant but clear. Immediately Zeke and Charmaine point their guns in the direction of the voice.

"Who's that?" Charmaine asks.

"My daughter." I reply

"Take us to her," Robert says. His voice was so deep that it made me jump.

Walking over towards the Rover felt like an endless journey. Through the mud, my legs felt so heavy, and it didn't help that the rain picked up.

Once we reached the rover, I unlocked the door.

"Clarke what's going on?" Madi asks. I hold a finger to my lips, telling her to be quiet.

Once I bring Madi out of the Rover, Robert, Zeke, and Charmaine drop their weapons.

"Hello," Zeke says with a smile. Madi stays quiet.

"Are you the people from the ship in the sky?" Madi asks them.

"Yes," Zeke replies.

"Are you going to hurt us?" Madi asks.

Charmaine giggles. "No sweetie we won't hurt you, unless we have a good reason to." That last part she said in a serious tone.

This time I speak up. "Who are you?"

"Well I'm Zeke, that's Charmaine, and that's Robert." He says while gesturing to his fellow travelers at their names.

"That's not what I meant. I mean what's your back story? Why are you on a prisoner transport ship? And what's Eligius?" I ask.

"I think you and Madi should come with us," Robert says, well, more like commands.

"Can we drive there? Madi and I know where your ship is."

"Yeah, we could give you a lift!" Madi happily says.
I give her a stern look, but it's already done, because the three prisoners hop on board.

Madi starts to drive.
"Woah, woah, woah. You're letting an eleven year old drive?" Charmaine asks

"I'm thirteen!" Madi says angrily.

"Well in case you haven't noticed, we're the only ones on the ground right now, so there's no one to crash into. And so what if a thirteen year old drives, it's not like there's an age limit to drive." I say.

"Um, last time I checked, it's 2017, the law is still in place for an age requirement." Charmaine says.

Madi and I look at each other. I give her a confusing look, she returns one.

"It's 2158." I say. These people are not from our time. I look back at their clothes. Their clothes are nothing like ours, they look so old fashioned.

"See something you like, Clarke?" Zeke asks. Charmaine hits him on the back of his head. I turn around and avoid his eye contact. I was just examining his clothes, what's the big deal?

When we arrive at the ship, Zeke immediately jumps out of the still-moving car. Seems to love the rush of adrenaline. Unlike Zeke, however, Charmaine and Robert stay in the car until it's parked.

Madi holds my hand as we calmly walk towards the ship. As we're walking, Robert starts asking us questions.

"What were you saying about the year?"

"It's 2158."

"No way, time jumps don't just happen."

"Well, I grew up in space, and our technology is way more advanced than yours. If you let me take a look, I can discover the problem." Robert nods his head in agreement.

When I get to the ship, I notice how old everything inside is. It's like a time capsule. It's crazy.

"So, where did you guys 'wake up'?" I asked. Madi is wandering around the ship taking everything in. She's mesmerized. She's never seen so much tech before. Zeke points to what looks like a coffin made out of tech. I examine a bit more carefully, pressing some buttons, when a video pops up.

It's a woman sitting in a chair in a pink room. He clothes look neat and "professional", as you could say. She's sitting at the white desk in front of her with her hands folded on top of it.

"Hello Zeke. I'm sure you are confused and disoriented. You probably don't even remember where you are, or how you came to be here. You're on a ship called the Eligius ship. This ship was designed to take you into space. It has an automatic time and will fly back down to Earth in the year 2158. We will be waiting for you then. Why 2158, you may ask? 2158 is the year Hypersleep Corporation will officially launch. You were our test subjects, and if you're watching this, you survived. Wherever you landed, somewhere in the Western part of Quebec, we project, we will come and get you." Looks like the nuclear bombs A.L.I.E. destroyed the planet with got them wiped out.

"In the event that something very bad were to happen and wipe us out, we have all of your information stored in this hypersleep chamber. Hypersleep was the thing that kept you alive all of these years. We put you asleep in 2017, and now, when you're seeing this, 2158, you know that it has worked. That wasn't the only thing that saved you, though. It was also the night blood given to you by Becca." My jaw dropped. There are more nightbloods? And how did Becca give them night blood? Moreover, why would Becca give a prisoner transport ship nightblood?

a/n- gathering all of the info I could about the new prisoners in season five, I will be sculpting their personalities as we go along. I know this was long and confusing, but don't worry, everything will be explained... as best as it can be.

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