14. Meat Cravings

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The next few weeks, we all helped Raven out with reinforcing and repairing the ship. She seemed really excited so I wanted to help her out. Even though I have no clue what any of this tech stuff was, everyone helped me out, as well. Monty and I got to know each other better when he would help me figure out which parts go where. 

Monty looks like he is barely getting any sleep, and Harper is so worried about him. I overheard him telling Harper that he needed to build this water filter because they have no idea what Praimfaya did to the water. She let him continue working then because she knew he was right, we had no clue if Earth's resources were still the same. 

I was worried about Bellamy. Ever since I told him I loved him a few days ago, he's seemed distant. Although, it shouldn't really matter. I've told him that many times and he's always said it back. I couldn't help the feeling that he loved Clarke more than me. He's holding onto blind faith if he thinks Clarke's still alive. I mean, she couldn't have survived Praimfaya, right?

"Hey, Raven!" I say to her. 

"What's up Echo?" She replies. 

"I was just wondering when we'll be going back down to Earth?"

"At the rate, we're going, hopefully by next Wednesday."

"Okay," I reply. That's six more days until departure. 

"Are you excited?" She asks me. 

"I know I am. I've had enough of algae salads for my liking," Murphy butts in. 

Raven and I giggle a little bit. 

"I'm serious. I could really go for some meat right about now," Murphy says. 

"Me too," I reply. 

After our short-lived conversation, I head back to my room. Not going to lie, but when we first came to the Ark before Praimfaya, I was so scared. I've never been to space before, and I didn't know how I was going to manage.  Everyone was really nice about it and helped me out, they all cut me some slack since this was a totally new environment for me. 


"Jok!" I scream. I was fumbling with the water spout in my room, and I have no idea how to get the water warmer. Every time I put my hand under the water spout, it was very cold to the touch. No matter which way I turned the spout, it was always so cold. 

"Jok, jok, jok!" I scream again. 

I hear somebody come in the bathroom with me, It's Bellamy.

"Hey, I heard you screaming. You alright?" he asks. 

"Every time I touch this water it's freezing," I complain. 

It was three days after we came up here to the Ark, and I was in dire need of a shower. 

"Here let me show you how to work this, Echo," Bellamy said. 

"This," He said, pointing to the faucet, "controls the aim of the water. You can move it around, or up, or whatever, and it will stay in that place. It doesn't control the temperature of the water, that's why it was still cold." He guides my hand towards the faucet and instructs me to move it. I do as told. 

"Got that? Okay, this," He stands up and points to a keypad that's orange on the left and blue to the right, "controls the temperature. You can swipe anyway you want depending on how cold or hot you want it to be. Swipe left, and it gets hot. Swipe right and it gets cold. Blue means cold, orange means hot. Got it?" I nod back. I watch as he swipes it to the left. Then, he guides my hand back to the faucet. The water feels warm. 

"Is that good?" 

"Yes," I reply. "Mochof, Bellamy."

He looks confused. "Mochof?"

"It means 'thank you' in Trigedasleng."

"Oh, you're welcome Echo."

When he leaves, I undress and step into the shower. The warm water feels good on my back. Bellamy was kind for doing what he did. He is a good person. I knew that before when he rescued me from Mount Weather and saved my ass in the Culling when I cheated. Maybe Bellamy and I could be friends. I laugh a bit. Friends? Maybe at the very least allies. But I could never see us as friends. 

a/n- I hope you guys liked this!!! In Trigedasleng, 'Jok' means a swear, you can look it up if you want. So in case you were confused, that's what that means. Anyway, on a more sad note, Winter break ends today, so I may not have as much time to write, but I think I can balance it well. I will keep you updated on this story and hopefully, no more than three days go by without an update. Also, I dn't know if I want to turn this into a lve story with Bellamy and Clarke, I know that's what you all want, and maybe it wil turn out that way, but I just didn't want this to be a romance novel from the start, but I think I can give you something for all those "Bellarke" shippers. 

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