8. Meanwhile, In Space

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"Hey my sleepy head," I say to Harper.
Harper slowly opens her eyes and her eyelashes flutter open like butterflies. How I'd kill to see a real butterfly now.

"Hey Monty," she greets with a yawn.

"How did you sleep?"

"Well, how about you Monty?"

I close my eyes, avoiding her gaze.

"Did you have that dream again?" She asks me.

I nod. Ever since I got Harper before Praimfaya and had to leave Jasper behind, I kept having the memory of Jasper dying in my hands replay in my head every night when I tried to sleep. Sometimes, though, I was lucky and got a few good hours of sleep. But mainly, it was two hours at the most.

Harper gently cupped my head in her hands, she caressed my cheek. "I love you Monty, I hope you know that. And, I only want the best for you."

"I love you too, Harper, but there's no need to worry about me. Just worry about yourself." I then lean in and kiss her. Our kiss got deeply heated but was interrupted when Bellamy walked in.

"Okay you two lovebirds, come on there's important news from Raven."

"Speak for yourself, Bellamy. You and Echo are always fooling around in front of everyone, at least Harper and I have some decency."

Bellamy put his hands up, signaling he gives up. "Fine, you got me there, but hurry, Raven needs us, now."

After Harper and I get dressed, we go down to the control room. Already everyone noticed Raven pacing up and down the room.

"Everyone here?" Raven asks. She looks around the room. "Guys, where's Emori and Murphy?"

Bellamy and Echo are in the corner, going to make-out town. Bellamy finally pulls away as he realizes everyone was staring at them. "Oh...," Bellamy begins, his cheeks flushed, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. "I'll go get them."

Just then Murphy and Emori walk in, hand in hand.

"No need to," says Murphy.

"Okay," starts raven. "Now I'd appreciate it if you couples could stop sucking each other's faces for five minutes. Anyway, today I was just checking up on all the systems, and our satellite detected something. As you can see," Raven pointed towards the window at Earth. "Another ship has landed down on Earth."

"Why would they do that, I thought you said radiation levels are still too high down there," I said.

"That's what I thought too, but I guess if they've been down there and haven' died yet, that must mean it's safe to go down now, right?" Raven declared.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Okay, okay. Even if we do go down there, what about food, what about shelter, what about water?" Harper asked.

"That's the bad part of it. Even if we go down and find a substantial piece of land for us to live on, I have no idea if the water will be clean, or what food is offered. Everything is different now because of Praimfaya. There could be vast amounts of radiation everywhere." Raven said.

"What about the nightblood you've been working on?" Murphy asked.

"I made it, but there's no way to test it," Raven said.

Murphy looked down at Emori. Emori told us all about what happened when they first got te nightblood to work and Emori was going to be the test subject. I knew Murphy was just giving her an "It's going to be okay" look.

"What about Clarke?" Bellamy suggested.

"What about Clarke?" Raven said. "We've never made contact with her, she's probably dead."

The whole room went silent.

"Are you sure there's nothing you can do to see if she's still alive?" Bellamy asked, looking near tears.

"Even if Clarke did survive Praimfaya, she'd be the only one left on Earth, besides everyone in the bunker. Do you really think she'd willingly survive for five or so years without her thoughts getting to her head? Think of all the people she's had to kill for the well being of Skaikru, honestly, I think she would've killed herself. " Raven said blatantly.

"Don't you say that!" Bellamy shouted at Raven.

"Hey! Everyone calm down! Bellamy, I'm sorry but it's true. Even though she was one of the strongest people we knew, do you really think she could survive that long without the haunting memories getting to her head?" I said.

"Guys, can we please just talk about the ship that landed on Earth?" Murphy pleaded.

"Here's my plan. I'll watch the ship for a week, if nothing terrible happens to it because of the radiation, we can start to prepare to go to the ground again. Is everyone okay with that?" Raven asked.

Once again we all nodded.

*****************After the important talk with Raven*************


"Hey, Bell, are you okay? I thought you dealt with the fact that Clarke is dead?" Echo said to me.

"I never dealt with that," I said avoiding her gaze.

"I think you just don't want to believe it."

"How could you know what I want and not want to believe, Echo?"

"Because I know you Bell."

"What if I told you, Echo, that I still believe Clarke is alive?"

"Then I'd say you're not alone. Many people wish for their friends o still be alive even if they know it's highly unlikely. We all have a different way to deal with things, Bellamy. That's just your way."

Echo kisses me on the cheek.

"I love you, Bellamy."

I don't say anything back. Just smile.

a/n- I know this was a little long, but I hope you liked it. qotd, how do you feel about Bellamy and Echo's romance??? Any Bellarke shippers out there?

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