15. An Extra Hypersleep Chamber

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A/N- Those are the Hypersleep Chambers I imagine they slept in for the 100 or so years.

Everyone was pleased with Madi's story. No one questioned her backstory, so they believed it. Not that there was anything to perceive as fake. 

"Well, I must say Madi," Robert began. "Trusting a strange woman that you did not know was very brave of you."

"Well, she was the only other person I saw on Earth. It would be foolish of me not to." Madi responds. 

There was an awkward silence after that. You could tell Robert did not like to be responded to as if his opinions were wrong. 

Finally, Zeke broke the awkward silence. 

"I'm going to if there is any more information around here that could help us figure out where we came from and for what purpose."

"Clarke, can I go check out some more of the tech that's around here?" Madi asks me. 

"Of course my Natblida," I reply. "If that's okay with everyone else?"

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, except for Robert. He didn't say or do anything, no oppositions or contentments. 

As Zeke, Robert, Charmaine, and Madi looked around, I went to go investigate the Hypersleep Chambers. I wanted to see how they worked. 

I first examined Charmaine's. I looked at every mechanical and technical piece involved in the skeleton of the chamber. If Raven and Monty were here, they'd be able to make more sense of it than I am right now. 

I walked over to Robert's chamber next. Some wires were torn from the lack of carefulness Robert used when extracting the interactive tablet from the hood of the Hypersleep chamber. Other than that, everything was the same as Charmaine's. 

I then walked over to Zeke's. His chamber was the same as Charmaine's and Robert's chambers as well. I lifted up the hood of his Hypersleep chamber like I did with Charmaine and Robert's, but this time a piece of paper fell out of the hatch. Hesitant to pick it up, my arms finally grasped the smooth piece of paper. My hands carefully held the paper's edges, and my eyes shifted back and forth, taking in every word with every sentence. 

My beloved Zeke,

Your father and I hope for the best for you. I know we were never the greatest of parents, and I'm afraid your criminal record is one outcome of that. By the time you're reading this, we will have perished. Hopefully, in the future, people have found forgiveness for you. We love you and want you to have many more opportunities in the future. 


Abner & Lilah

I don't know how much time had passed while I read the heartfelt letter addressed to Zeke, because next thing I know, a hand is on my shoulder. 

"Zeke, you startled me," I say. "While I was inspecting the Hypersleep chambers, I found this inside of yours." I handed him the note. 

As I watched his eyes move from left to right, examining every word, Madi came next to me. She was looking at Zeke. 

"What does it say?" Madi asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice. 

Zeke kneeled down to reach her eye level. 

''It's a letter from my parents. Would you like to read it?" 

I was surprised Zeke was willing to share such a personal letter with Madi. 

"I don't know how to read," Madi replied, looking a bit ashamed. 

"Then I'll just have to teach you someday, Madi," Zeke told her. 

Madi's eyes lit up. "Really?" 

"Of course. But first, we need to get a few things sorted out, okay?"

"Okay," Madi replied with a gigantic grin on her face. Madi turns and leaves behind me. I hear her footsteps fade before stopping abruptly. 

"Hey Clarke?" Madi asks me. 

"Yes, Natblida?"

"If there are only three members of this Eligius Ship, why are there four Hypersleep chambers?" 

I walk over to where she's standing. Soon, everyone is looking at this chamber. Charmaine speaks first. 

"It's probably just extra," she suggested. 

"Why would they keep a perfectly fine Hypersleep chamber around for nothing, instead of using it for another person," Robert argues. 

"There's only one way to find out," Zeke says. I follow his hands as they go for the interactive tablet. He finds the on button, and presses it. 

"Hello Vinson," Says the prerecorded video on the screen.

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