19. Bullet In Her Brain

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Beyond the bushes were roads filled with mud. That was all that was there, but it was convenient. I found human track right away and followed their trail. 

Clarke's feet were tiny, so the tracks couldn't have been hers. They were big and had a weird pattern imprint and the word "NIKE". I know Nike is the goddess of victory, that's what my Father told me. But why would her name be on a shoe? 

Anyway, I continued to follow the trail, making sure to keep a good eye on my surroundings. 

I saw the trail lead to a little stream, and it took me a while before I could find the trail where it picked up, but I found them on the other side of the stream. 

 I kept following, and by this time, it was dark. I was almost thinking about giving up when I heard a branch snap. 

Whatever, or whoever, it was, knew my presence, and I could hear the swift movement of the feet running. I chased it. I had a feeling it was Vinson. 

"Hey!" I shouted after him. 

I followed the sounds until I came to a dead end. 

I turned around, looked in every direction, but there was no sign of him anywhere. 

Then, I heard a gun cock. 

I slowly put my hands up. 

"Who are you?" The gravely voice asked. I could sense fear in his voice. 

"My name is Madi."

"Where the fuck did you come from?"

I didn't answer him. 

"Tell me, before I put a bullet in your brain!" He shouts. 

Just then, I hear another gun cock. 

"I don't think you'll be putting a bullet in anyone's brain Vinson," said a familiar voice. 

I turn around. My eyes widen with happiness when I see Zeke, Charmaine, Robert, and Clarke. My saviors. 

I turn and face Vinson. I watch as he lets his gun drop to the ground. 

"Where am I? Who are you? How do you know my name?" Vinson asks. 

I watch as Charmaine and Clarke share a look. 

"Oh, you've got a lot to catch up on," says Clarke.

a/n- okay, okay, I know it's short, but I'm also working on a Bellarke story for you guys as well. But I will keep updating this as well so don't worry!!

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