9. He Loves Her

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For the next week, Raven kept monitoring the spacecraft on Earth. Monty helped create a small robot that could detect radiation levels and also videotape the land. They added the camera so we could see what we'd be dealing with. But, unfortunately, the camera has no audio. So far, the radiation levels were steady, high, but steady. A few animals came to look at the robot, and it was intriguing to see the deformed animals due to mutations. Some animals had two tails, some had one eye, it was pretty creepy. So far, though, most animals were friendly.

The camera wasn't pointed at the spaceship, so it was kind of a bummer because we couldn't see who are what lives in it.

After the week was over, Raven said the radiation levels were fine, but we'd only be able to bear it if we had nightblood. She was the first to be injected, followed by myself, then Echo, then Monty, Harper, Murphy, and Emori. We didn't know if it worked, but we all trusted Raven, I mean A.L.I.E. changed her brain, so she was even smarter than before, so there was no reason to doubt her work.

We're all helping Raven and Monty reinforce the old space shuttle. Raven gets to add a ton more exciting things to it which has made her happy. I guess it's been the only thing that has made her happy in a while. With everyone else surrounding her dating, including myself, she must feel pretty lonely, which is why I always try to be with her so she has a friend.

When Monty isn't helping build the spacecraft, he's working on a water filter that we can use once back on Earth. The hard part for him is trying to find a way to filter radiation out of the water. He's been working his ass off lately, and I try to help out as much as I can. I'm no scientist nor engineer, so I do the heavy lifting and lend any helping hands people need.


3 months after landing on the Ark after Praimfaya

Exploring the halls of the Ark I've never explored before, I find a bottle whiskey in the Chancellor's office. Since we were on the ground, I don't know who was the chancellor at that time before everyone decided to come down to Earth. But whoever it was, we both needed a drink.

I unscrewed the cap and drank a swig of it. It burned going down. Alcohol was always prohibited from me on the Ark, so I've never tasted it.

I missed my sister. I missed Kane, I missed my mother, but most of all I missed Clarke. She always did everything she could to help us out. She was always a leader I looked up to. She was always my friend. Ever since she left after we both pulled the lever in Mount Weather, I haven't been the same. I really needed her after that happened. It was hard to get through all of the pain alone. We would've understood each other. I was so mad.

Expressing my anger I threw everything off the desk in the room. A tear slid down my cheek.

I really did love Clarke.

a/n- in case you couldn't figure it out in the flashback, it was Bellamy's point of view. Now, just because he said he loved Clarke doesn't mean he loved her in a romantic way. He could have loved her the way a brother loves a sister. You'll find out, though ;)

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