24. I'm a Survivor

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Charmaine didn't talk to me the whole ride back to the Eligius ship, which I was happy about. I was too busy drowning in thoughts of worry about my friends dying, especially Bellamy.

When I realize a tear slid down my cheek, I quickly wiped it away. We would get through this.

Once at the Eligius ship, I yell, "Robert! Get the ramp open! We have to bring the Rover in!"

No response.


Still no response.

"Charmaine, can you open the ramp manually?"
She nods and gets out. I watch as she presses a few buttons and then a few seconds later, the ramp defends from the ship.

I drive the Rover in.

"Charmaine, find Robert and Vinson. I'll get a few tables set up for these guys and see what I can do for them."

She runs off to Lord knows where, and I set up some tables.

"Hello?" A familiar voice asks. I turn my head so fast.

"Murphy!" I run up to him in the Rover.

"Clarke?" He asks confused. "Am I dead? Because you're dead." He says

I laugh.

"No, Murphy, I'm right here. Can you walk?" I ask him.

He unbuckles himself from the Rover and stands. He holds a hand up to his head wincing in pain.

"Ya," He says reluctantly.

"Okay. I promise I'll explain everything but right now we need to take care of our friends. Your ship exploded when you landed and they got hurt."

"Is Emori okay?" He asks.

"She will be," I tell him.

He smiles and helps me set up the tables. After we're done I tell him, "Put them on the tables, I'll help."

He sets Emori down, then Raven, Echo and Harper. I help him carry Monty and Bellamy.

"Can you check Emori first?" He asks.

"Sure, go see if you can find any medical supplies anywhere and bring them here."

"What is 'here', by the way?" He asks.

"I told you, I'll explain everything, Just-" I was interrupted by Charmaine.

"Robert and Vinson are no where to be found!" She exclaims.

"Okay, Charmaine. Right now that's not our priority. I'm sure they'll turn up. Take Murphy," I gesture towards Murphy, "and show him where to look for medical supplies. Hurry."

Once they leave, I don't look at Emori first. I look at Bellamy and Echo. Judging by where we found them on the crash site, looks like they had the worst injuries.

"Clarke?" I hear a groggy voice ask. I knew who it was the moment I heard her voice.

"Raven!" I exclaim, and hug her.

"Am I dead?" She asks. I laugh a little. "You're the second person to ask that, and no, you're alive. I knew you're a fighter, Raven."

She hops off the table with ease and walks around.

"Looks like you fixed your leg while up in space, huh?" I ask.

"Yes. Monty helped me with the procedure. I was looking through Abby's old files and found one on how to heal my leg. It took two years for it to be fully healed after the operation, but it was worth it. And while we were up there," she points at the sky, "how did you survive down here? We left you and we all thought you died."

Instead of telling her, I showed her. I picked an old scab and it started bleeding.

"Nightblood?" She asked. I nodded.

"It worked? It worked!" She came up to me and hugged me. "I'm so happy you're okay!"

"Me too. Now can you help me take care of these guys?"

"Of course."

Just then, I heard a pair of footsteps running into the room.

"Here," Murphy says, holding out a medicinal bag. I take it from him.

"Murphy!" Raven exclaims and hugs him. He embraces her in a hug back. "You made it!"

"I'm a survivor," Murphy says back.

"Alright guys, come on, we have to help them. Charmaine, take the Rover and pick up Zeke and Madi."

Raven gives me a puzzling look, she didn't know who they were.

"She'll explain later," Murphy tells Raven. Raven nods in understanding.

I walk over towards Emori.

"She's got a lot of shrapnel lodged in her arm, she must have fallen on it. Someone give me a pair of tweezers."

Murphy hands me the tweezers, and I go to town, carefully taking out the little bits of shrapnel out of her. Once I was done I tell Murphy, "she looks good for now, but we won't know for sure the damages of her until she wakes up. She'll be bruised, definitely. And we might need to keep a careful eye on her back."

"What happened to her back?" Murphy asks.

"A piece of the ship landed on her. It could have broken her back, but there's no physical signs of that, so there's a low chance that her back or spine could be broken."

Next, I walk over to Bellamy and Echo. They both have serious burns from the fire and major scratches that will need stitches.

"Raven, bring me the medicinal bag. Here," I say, handing her the tweezers, "Take the shrapnel out of Monty and Harper. Don't press too hard with the tweezers, and if any bits of shrapnel are caught in a major vain, don't pull it out. They could bleed out."

I turn my attention back to Bellamy and Echo.

"Please don't die on me," I say out-loud, more directed to Bellamy than Echo.

Murphy comes over and places a hand on my back.
"They'll be okay Clarke. They're in good hands. If you're still the badass that saved Finn from a poisoned knife, or the girl who did medical practices on the Ark, I know that they'll be okay. You got this," Murphy says while hugging me.

"Thank you."

I pull out the 100 year old rubbing alcohol and cotton balls, and start cleaning Bellamy and Echo's wounds. Once I was finished, I carefully started stitching up the deep cuts they had.

Finished with the stitchings, that took over two hours, I got the Vaseline out of the bag and rubbed it over their burns. Finally finished with every cut, Scratch, and burn I could find on them, I turn to Raven and Murphy.

"Lay down, I'm going to have to check on you guys."

"I'll save you the air, I feel fine," Raven says.

"Seriously, guys. I want to make sure your wounds won't get infected."

The let out sighs and get on the tables.

"Here, Murphy. Rub this Vaseline on your burns." He takes the Vaseline and does as told.

I go over to Raven. "You look fine."

"Yep, I ran out of there as fast as I could with this new runner I got," pointing at her leg. "That's great, Raven."

"Clarke!" I heard a little voice say.

"Madi!" I run up to her and hug her. "Thank you, Zeke and Charmaine for taking care of her."

"Who's this?" Murphy asks, approaching us. Raven does the same.

"Madi, meet Murphy," I say, gesturing towards Murphy, "and Raven," I say gesturing towards Raven.

"Murphy, Raven, meet Madi, my child."

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