20. We'll Die in Five Minutes

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Today was the day. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I feel everyone is counting on me to get us back down to Earth, and I'm afraid I might fail. But I know Becca and Sinclair are proud of me for how far I've come. I wouldn't have made it this far without them. 

"Bellamy, check the fuel tank!" I hear Monty shout. 

I hear the quickened footsteps of Bellamy rush over to the shuttle. 

"They're full!" He shouts back. 

"One-hundred percent?" Monty asks. 

"One-hundred percent!" Bellamy confirms.

"Alright," I start. "Does everyone have their suit on? I'll come around and confirm."

I walk over to Monty, making sure his oxygen tank is full, his helmet adjusted, wires connected, and everything seems good.

Next, I walk towards Echo, and her suit is fine as well. So is Harper's and Bellamy's. 

"Okay, where are Murphy and Emori?!" I shout. 

"We're right here," Emori says, right as they walk in. 

"Good. Come here let me examine your suits." 

Murphy and Emori walk over, and I check their suits like I did for everyone else. 

"Murphy, your suit is fine."

I look over Emori's. My heart drops when I see her oxygen tank. 

"What is it?" She asks. 

"Your oxygen tank is on twenty percent," I deliver the bad news. 

"Okay, so we'll fill it up," Murphy suggests. 

"Fine, but make it quick. We launch in twenty minutes. Monty, go with him, make sure he gets it done correctly," I say. 

"Alright," He responds. 

"What now, Captain?" Bellamy asks. 

"I don't know," I say and exhale a breath I wasn't aware I was holding. 

"Hey, Raven," Bellamy says in a soothing voice. "You got this. Remember six years ago? When you single-handedly got a ship ready in less than 24 hours for us to fly into space? Do you remember that?" 

"Yes, but what if something goes wrong this time?" I ask. 

"Then we'll figure it out. We -"

"Always do." I finish with him. 

"That's right," he pats me on the back. 

"Hug it out?" He asks. 

"Always," I respond. 

Bellamy embraced me in a hug, and it calmed my nerves. But the hug was short lived when an alarm started blaring. 

"What's that?" Harper asks, fear quivering in her voice. 

"The oxygen level alarms, the oxygen is being released," I walk over to my computer. "I don't know how this happened. How did this-" 

Monty and Murphy sprint through the door. 

"Something went wrong, I'm so sorry Raven," Murphy tries to explain. 

Monty holds up a hand to Murphy's mouth. 

"While trying to extract the oxygen, we cut the wrong wire, and the oxygen filter broke, I'm so sorry," Monty explains.

I roll my eyes. 

"Murphy, give Emori her oxygen now-" I say, but am quickly interrupted by Murphy. 

"We didn't get the oxygen!" 

"Here, Emori, switch with me," Bellamy offers. 

"No, Bellamy, don't!" Echo shouts. 

"I'll be fine, Echo," He says. 

"Okay, enough of arguing, we have to leave now or we'll be dead in five minutes!" I shout over the commotion. 

I walk over to Bellamy. 

"Don't worry, I'll make it a quick ride," I confirm. 

"I'll hold you up to that," he responds. "Everyone in the shuttle now!" He shouts to everyone. "You better not kill me, Reyes," he tells me, personally.

"Alright," I tell him.

I hop into the shuttle and nod a reassuring at Bellamy. Everyone straps in. 

"Who's ready for a little fun?" I ask to no one in particular as I start up the shuttle. 

"Three," I say, as turning on the lights. 

"Two," as I open the Ark's door to space. 

"One," as I project ourselves into the infinite oblivion of space. 

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