26. So You and Echo, Huh?

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Bellamy POV

My head hurts, my arm hurts, my leg hurts, everything hurts.

My eyes flutter open for a second and right away I can see an IV bag. Guess we never made it to the ground; we're still on the Ark. But how did I get hurt? I can't remember.

I hear some crying in the distance, and I feel a hand squeeze mine. A hand that I haven't felt in ages.

I squeeze back.

"Bell?" A woman's voice asks.

I force my eyes open. "What happened? We never made it to the ground, did we?" I say to the figure I can't make out. My eyelids were too heavy and my eyes too hazy to see who this could be.

"You did make it to the ground," the woman says. The voice sounds familiar and the name's on the tip of my tongue.

"Impossible. There are no hospitals on the ground, they were wiped out by Praimfaya," I close my eyes.
"Stop messing with me."

"Bellamy," the voice so familiar I understand who it is now: Clarke.

"Clarke?" My eyes burst open and I sit up. I put a hand to my head. "I'm dreaming, this is not real. I left you down on Earth to die. I left you," a small tear ran down my cheek.

Clarke sits on my hospital bed, careful not to accidentally sit on me. She puts a hand on my cheek and wipes away the tear that ran down. It felt so real, but I knew it couldn't be.

"Do you still think this is a dream?" She asks.

"No, but if we're not on the Ark, where are we?" I ask her.

"She'll explain later," I hear Murphy say. "You're up! Good. After you're patched up by Clarke and once you're done eating, we'll all fill you in. I go let the others know you're awake."

"Others? Did everyone make it?" I ask Murphy.

"Yes, including Echo."

Echo. Shit, I forgot about Echo. Now Echo seems like a nuisance between Clarke and I, but why would I be feeling that? It's not like I Love love her, we're just people who need each other.

"Ahem," Clarke clears her throat pulling me from my thoughts. "How are you feeling?" She asks.

"Everything hurts," I say truthfully.

"That's probably due to the burns you endured. Here, let me see," she says.

I hold out my two arms. She examines the, then rubs Vaseline on them. Once finished, she says, "Take off your shirt."

I try, but it hurts. The blood dried onto the shirt form my chest, and taking it off hurt so bad.

"Here, let me help," Clarke demands.

She carefully unsticks each area where the dried blood has acted like a glue between my skin and cuts. Slowly but surely, we get the T-shirt off.

"I didn't want to do this yesterday, I wish I would've now," Clarke tells me.

"Why didn't you?" I ask her.

"Because Raven and Murphy were there and I didn't want to break down in front of them," a single tear slides down Clarke's cheek.

I bring my hand up to wipe it away. "Clarke, I'm right here, I'll be alright." She nods her head and continues to clean my cuts with alcohol and then rub them with Vaseline. Some needed stitches, which she did for me even though there was no anesthetic.

"Sorry," she apologized more times then needed. I admired that about her; how she would always care for me and watch out for me.

"There's my baby," I hear Echo's voice.

Clarke stops what she is doing and goes to clean off her medical tools that she used to stitch me up with.

"Hey, Echo," I greet her. She leans in for a kiss and I kiss back, even though it didn't feel right anymore.

"I'm glad you're awake," Echo tells me. She joins me on the bed and twirls one of my strands of hair around her finger.

"Me too," I wince. My fresh stitches were hurting.

"Oh, sorry Bell," Echo gets up.

"It's fine," I tell her. "I think I just need to rest."

"I'll leave you to it," Echo says as she gets up and leaves.

Once gone, Clarke asks, "So you and Echo, huh?"

"Yeah. So I have been meaning to ask you-"

"Clarke!" A child's voice yells. A child?

"Madi!" Clarke says excitedly as she picks up 'Madi' and gives her a kiss on the forehead. "How was your sleep, Natblida?"

"Good! Murphy kept tickling me when I would try to sleep, until Raven threatened to punch him," Madi says with a giggle.

"I'm glad my friends have taken a liking to you!" Clarke tells her.

Madi leans in to Clarke, "Is that One-hundred and one?" She asks Clarke.

"Yes that's 'One-hundred and one'," Clarke giggles. "Bellamy, this is Madi. Madi, this is Bellamy."

My eyes can barely move fast enough as I watch Madi run into my bed and hug me.

"Careful!" Clarke gasps.

"It's okay," I tell her reassuringly. I hug Madi back.

"You're Bellamy! The greatest warrior!" Madi tells me.

"The greatest warrior?" I laugh laugh and look at Clarke.

"Clarke, can I tell him the story?" Madi asks.

"Madi, He was apart of the story."

"So are you, but you let me tell it to you all the time!" Madi pleads.

"It's okay, Madi, I wanna hear."


After Madi tells me the not-so-fiction story, I felt satisfied with the answer.

"But, what I don't get, and what isn't included in your story," I start.

"Ongoing autobiography," Clarke corrects.

"You guys left out the part on how the heck this ship got down here."

"I'll explain that part, since Clarke is still left out on some details," an unfamiliar male voice says.

"I'm Zeke Shaw, proud inhabitants of the Eligius," The man shakes my hand.

"Bellamy Blake," I respond.

"Zeke, you were asleep during the century you were on here," Clarke laughs.

"Asleep for a hundred years?!" I asked, shocked.

"Yes, I am going to explain everything," he tells me.

Another unfamiliar woman walks into the room. "We are going to explain everything," she says. "Clarke, you should bring everyone in here," the woman tells Her.

"I'll get everyone!" Madi says.

"Okay Madi," Clarke says. Madi hops off of me and walks out to find our friends.


Once everyone was in the room, Zeke and the woman started telling their story.

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