BONUS CHAPTER (bellarke)

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A/n - so I was watching bellarke edits and basically crying, and I saw  a comment like this written in the comments. Not my original idea but I have to make this for you.

Helping Raven with building the ship got very boring very fast, especially since I can't do any technical changes or anything like that because I wasn't trained in engineering. I was a janitor. I know how to mop floors and almost kill an innocent man *cough* Murphy *cough*.

To take a break, I went to go into the Chancellor's office. I decided today I was going to go visit my sister and Clarke's cell. I think it will bring comfort to me, I don't know. But the possibility of coming back on the Ark after we go back down this time is slim. So there's no time like the present to do this.

I find the Jaha's interactive tablet on his desk. I open it up. Of course, it's password protected. I think of one fast. WellsJaha34. Denied. Okay, another one. untilourjourneytotheground. I doubted it would work, but it did. I was in.

I quickly swiped to the notes application and scrolled until I found the file I was looking for. "Prisoner Cells".

It was in alphabetical order by last name, so it didn't take long to find Octavia's cell number. #27.

I scrolled down to the "G" group next, all the way until I could find Griffin. #64.

I wrote a mental note in my brain of those numbers, and off I went. Not before taking the Chancellor's keycard, though.

Through the long hallways to the prisoner cells, I found my legs getting heavy. I wanted to turn back, but I knew If I did, I would never have the chance to do this again. So I kept going. I climbed up a flight of stairs until I reached Cell Block Level 2.

I walked past six doors before I stopped in front of 27. I swiped Jaha's keycard and walked in.

I didn't know what I was expecting. But I was expecting a bit more than just four walls and a light bulb. It was pretty boring. I looked around for any sign of writing and whatnot, but I didn't find anything.

I went to try out the bed, I wanted to see if it was comfy. As I laid in the sheets it smelled of Octavia. The old O. I could smell her like shampoo lingering on the pillow, and the sea breeze body wash she used. Although, since I've smelt the real sea, the body wash doesn't compare. I turn over on my side, only to feel a bump. I slide my hands underneath my back, only to find that the source of the bump is coming beneath the mattress.

My hands grip the side of the mattress tightly, and I lift it up enough to find a satin bound book underneath it.

I grab it, and I set the mattress down. Striding with every step, I sit down on the edge of the bed and read.

I have no idea what day is today, there are no calendars around here. I miss Bell. I feel awful. If I was never born, he'd never be in this situation. He'd be having a better life with mom. Gosh, I can't help but feel like the culprit of this whole deal.

I turn a few pages and find the last entry ever written in the book.

During shower time I heard talk that they were going to be sending a hundred of the prisoners to the ground. If they are, I hope it's not me. Bell would freak and probably go mad if he found out I was gone. But if I am sent to the ground, I wonder what it would smell like. I think it might smell like the body wash I use, "sea breeze". Anyway, I'm bored so I'm going to recite  Augustus' story all over again in my head. Man how I miss the freedom and the endless supply of books I was able to read.

I laugh a little bit. I can't believe she actually remembered that story.

As I leave to go to Clarke's cell, I grab O's notebook. At least I have something of hers now to keep.

I climb up four more sets of stairs until I reach Cell Block Level 6. Walking past the first three doors, I turn and walk into the fourth door, #64.

My breath is taken away when I walk in. Drawings cover the ceiling, floor, and walls. I'm astonished.

I walk over to the one drawn Into the middle of the floor.

It's a picture of the night sky. Trees surround the whole picture, only above them is the moon and the stars.

Looking around more, I find some drawings of buildings and bushes, everything she must've imagined Earth was like before she went there.

Suddenly, I feel a tear run down my cheek. I didn't realize I was crying. God, I was so emotional. I miss Clarke so much. I'll never see her again, ever.

Lying in her bed, wallowing in my sorrow, I begin to imagine what could have been if Clarke made it here with us. What could have been if Clarke was still alive. What could have been if we just waited a bit longer for Clarke to come to the ship. What could have been if I told her I loved her.

A/n- so yes, I guess on a side spin off there will be bellarke, but I don't want that to be the gist of the whole story. I want you to realize this story is not just about Bellarke, it's about the life after Praimfaya and what's happening. If you have any suggestions for bonus chapters lmk, I can do it.


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