18. Tread On

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"Clarke! I can't get past these bushes. They're too thick!" Charmaine exclaims. 

"Then Vinson probably didn't go that way either!"  Clarke shouts back. 

I am keeping to myself, looking for signs of tracks, misplaced items, and misplaces in nature, just like my Kru taught me. Clarke also helped me as well, because she had been living alone for a year, having to fend for herself, so naturally, she just picked up some hunting techniques on the way.  

This was so boring, looking for Vinson, what could he even do for us? But I mustn't be impatient. I wanted to get Vinson so we can meet the other warriors trapped in the ground. So, I guess there's light at the end of this tunnel, just like Luna would always say. 

Walking, walking, won step, tu step, thri step, fou. Won, tu, thri, fou. Won, tu, thri, fou. Won, two thri. Won, tu, thri. Won, tu--. Hod op! There's something here. Purposefully cracked branches in the bushes. I let my fingers trace up the broken branches. The last broken branch goes beyond my reach, proving my point that this was no animal. It could be, but Clarke nor I have never seen an animal standing over six feet. Going to test out my idea, I tread on. 

Caught up in the moment, I neglect to let anyone know where I have disappeared to. 

a/n- I know this is short, but I wanted to update while I have the time. Tomorrow, I have my audition at an art school, and I'm auditioning for creative writing, so I can learn more to write better stories. 

Also, let me know if you want me to keep writing this story, I probably still will, even if people choose not to read it because I want to write my own ending. Also, I'm working on a Bellarke fanfiction, so hopefully that will be published close to February or middle of February. 

Love you!!

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