29. I Missed You, I Mean The View

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Clarke POV

"Ontari," Murphy gasps. (If y'all remember Ontari and Murphy had a "fling", oops). I watch as he counts on his fingers.

"How old are you?" He asks Madi.

"Thirteen," she replies.

Murphy releases a sigh.

"Wait, why were you so worried about Madi's age?" Emori asks him.

"No reason," he says, his ears burning.

"Murphy," Emori says with a warning, "Tell me."

"It's no big deal."

"Murphy, it can't be that bad," Bellamy reasons.

"I did what I had to do to survive, okay?"

"What exactly does 'doing what it takes to survive' entail?" Emori asks, ignoring everyone in the room except for Murphy.

"When I was her 'flamekeeper'," he starts, "She made me do things."

"What kind of things?" Emori asks, crossing her arms and stepping forward, a stern look on her face.

Murphy leans in close so the rest of us can't hear.

"You had sex with Ontari!" Emori exclaims.

I turn to Madi, "Go find Zeke and stay with him."

"No, let me explain," she tells me. Turning to Murphy and Emori she clears up the commotion, "Murphy is not my father, as you have figured: the years don't add up."

"That still doesn't make up for the fact that you slept with her!" Emori screams at Murphy.

"I did what I had to do to survive, to have a future with you and not Ontari. You've done awful things too, I'm not the only bad guy. Remember the man you falsely accused so you wouldn't be tested in the radiation chambers?"

"Ugh! I can't win with you," Emori days and storms off.

Madi turns to Murphy, "You should clear that up."

He nods and follows Emori.

"Why would we need to know this, though?" I ask Madi.

"I don't know, Raven said I should tell you," Madi says with a shrug.

"I thought it was interesting," Raven says.

"Well now at least we know how she's a nightblood," Bellamy suggests.

"But why didn't you compete in the coalition?" I ask Madi.

"I already asked her that," Raven says before Madi had a chance to speak. "Her whole Kru kept her sheltered, I guess. She didn't even know what a coalition was."

"That's good for her, a life without death or bloodshed," Bellamy says.

"Who's your father?" I ask Madi.

"I don't know."

"I can't imagine how old Ontari was when she had you. She looked my age," I say aloud.

"Gosh that must be awful," Raven exhales.

"A young birth?" Madi asks.

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