22. Gotta Get the Hell Out of Dodge

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"Ow," I say as I rub my head. 

Where the hell am I? 

I look around, and my lungs burn from the intake of smoke I'm inhaling.

"Bellamy!" I hear someone shout. 

I turn my head to where the noise came from. 

"Murphy?" I ask, confused. I see him standing outside of our dropship, which has a huge hole in it. 

"Bellamy you need to get out, now!" I hear Raven shout. I don't see her, but she's probably with Murphy. 

"Bellamy get out!!" Echo screams. I watch as she runs into the dropship and unbuckles me. My legs are wobbly as I try to stand up, and I can't walk. 

"Bell, if we're going to get out before we get hurt, you're gonna have to help me."

I find the strength in me to stand and walk out the hole of the dropship. 

I feel the grass squash beneath me, a familiar feeling I missed. 

"Echo, Bellamy, move now-!" Are the last words I hear before an explosion blows Echo and me off of our feet and ruptures our eardrums.

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