Chapter 11- Walking

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Tris's POV:

I am awoken by new, fixed, and extremely louder alarm clock.

I wear a black tanktop, denim shorts, and black Jordan's.

I walk to school today because I feel fat and I had some extra time. I walk there faster then I thought. I am sitting alone. Not even the janitor's are here. I fall asleep on the bench until I am awoken by Four.

We walk to science class early.

Tobias's POV:

I go to school early because I didn't want to face Marcus when I accidentally woke him up by knocking over my desk. He isnt really a morning person.

Once I get there I see a small blonde figure sitting on a bench. I walk closer to get a clear view. I smile. Tris. She looks so beautiful sleeping. I just wish she was mine. I wake her up softly and we walk to science early.


Tris's POV:

I walk back home and get really cold and wish I had my car.

I finally get home and put on my football game clothes.

I walk to the school and enter the locker rooms and change into my cheer clothes. We walk on the field and sit in a bench until people show up. I wish Four good luck. The crowd roars.

A/N: Sorry its short. Me and my buddy went to the mall yesterday and got matching dresses and nails (I usually don't do that caz I like comfortable clothes but it was fun) and yah. TFIOS is perfection.


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