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When we get to Lucas' house I text Riley
M-Hey Riley I just wanted to make sure you were okay because you kind of left me and Lucas sitting there
R- I'm fine
M- Oh ya cause that totally means you're fine tell me what's wrong. Do you want me to come over and talk about it?
R- Sure
I walk down stairs and I jump on top of him while he is laying on the couch. He looks at me and laughs. I get up and put on our favorite movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit (that's my movie comment if you have seen it). I lay my head on his chest and he puts his arm around me like we always do.

I look at Maya and she's asleep I'm not surprised one bit. I go upstairs and get her pajamas which are my favorite sweatpants and a hoodie. I don't mind sharing my stuff with Maya. She can just be annoying sometimes which makes me not want to share my stuff with her. I go back down stairs and wake her up and I hand her her (my) clothes. I was used to this thing whenever Maya falls asleep at my house she always stays the night. It's just the normal thing for us to do. Maya gets dressed goes upstairs and goes to sleep on my bed. I stay downstairs and I finish the movie. I start to get tired and I head upstairs to my room. I get in my bed and I look at her. "God you're gorgeous." She shakes her head and puts her finger over my mouth and says "shh. No talkie more sleepy." I chuckle lightly while cuddling with Maya.

I wake up to Maya snoring. I get up and head to Starbucks as usual because Maya will turn into a monster when she doesn't get coffee. IM NOT KIDDING. I head to Starbucks and I walk in and see Riley and Farkle holding hands. I pretend like I don't see them and they do the same. There is definitely something going on between them. I order me and Maya's coffee and I go back to my house. I go to my room and I wake up Maya to give her her coffee. I say to Maya "I think I just saw Riley and Farkle on a date." Maya looks confused. "Don't just throw that bomb on me while I'm waking up Huckleberry." I chuckle while looking at her

It was weird. Hearing Lucas say that sent chills down my spine. I mean I ship then hard but finally hearing someone say it feels strange. Riley and Farkle that's new but if she is happy then I'm happy. As long as Riley still isn't in that weird funk she was in the other day. I look at Lucas and he is texting someone. It's either Riley or Farkle because Lucas cannot I repeat cannot keep his mouth shut for his life. I tend not to tell Lucas my secrets. I realize that today is Sunday and we have school tomorrow oh how I hate school. I hear my phone ring and it's a text from Riley.
R- Are you still coming over
M- Yeah I'll be there in an hour I'm a little busy right now
R- See you soon

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