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I wake up and I hear Lucas say "Go to sleep Maya." "Shut up Huckleberry." I say while getting out of his bed. I keep thinking back to when me and Lucas were in the car and he said he didn't like me. I don't know why but that keeps replaying in my head and giving me a strange feeling. I go back upstairs and I look at Lucas. I go downstairs and go to sleep on the couch. I'm confused.

I wake up and I see maya sleeping on the couch downstairs. I pick her up and bring her to my bed. I go back downstairs and watch tv. I hear Maya leaving. "Where are you going?" She turns to look at me and smile and says "I'm going home ranger rick." I look at her confused while saying "why? You practically live here." She nods and says "that's exactly why. I'll see you at school. But if you miss me too much you can always text me." With that she left. I follow her and I say "wait is this you breaking up with me or something?" She smiles and shakes her head no. "How am I suppose to break up with you when there wasn't anything to break?" She then continues to walk home. "You sure you don't want a ride?" She shakes her head once again.

I get home and I draw a sketch of Lucas with flowers in his hands. My sketch book is private so no one will know. I feel bad Lucas thinks I'm mad at him but I have no reason to be so I bet he's confused as hell right now. I'm just upset with myself about my feelings. Maybe I got upset when I left because I wanted something to break. I have nothing to worry about. I love Lucas like a friend and he loves me like a friend. We are cool. Yep just cool. I look at my phone and I see a text from Lucas
Huckleberry- Hey Why did you leave
Maya- I was ready to leave
Huckleberry- I miss you can you come back over
Maya- No I left for a reason and it's nice to hear that you miss me tho
Huckleberry- Can I come over
Maya- No Lucas give me my space
Huckleberry- But I'm lonely pleeeassseee
Maya- Uggghhhh
Huckleberry- I didn't read a no I'm coming over
Maya- Fineeee
I turned off my phone and went to bed.

I wake up to Lucas knocking on my window. I open my window for him and I lay back down in bed. "I'm lonely Maya. Talk to me." I groan and say "Maya sleepy." Lucas does a zombie voice and says "Lucas lonely." I laugh a little. "Lucas sleepy." I say while patting the spot behind me for Lucas to lay down. "No lucas is not sleepy but he will cuddle with you." He says while walking around my bed getting in to cuddle with me.

"I was lonely when you left and I started talking to my self. That was an all time low be tase I usually have you to talk to." I laugh a little while saying "Lucas be quiet I'm trying to sleep. Be a good Huckleberry and be quiet." He laughs and says "uh that's not happening. You left me high and dry so this is what you get." I whine while saying "you're joking right. I could have said that you couldn't have come over but I didn't. The least you could do is be quiet." It's like he threw what I said out of the window and says "so what do you want for dinner I'm getting kind of hungry and I'm in tHe mood for pizza." I finally sit up realizing that I'm not going to get any sleep at all with Lucas talking in my ear and instead I decide to cooperate with him and I say "you know what I'm kind of in the mood for pizza too. Would you mind ordering it." I say with the brightest smile in my ace trying not to seem like I'm faking so that he doesn't continue on talking. He smiles back and says "great. I'll order it right now. Give me a second and I'll be right back to have a conversation with you now that you are awake." I grab onto his arm and I say "Wait!" He turns around and says "what?" "I just need you to hear me out when I say all of this. I love you. And I know I annoy you all the time. Sometimes on purpose too. And I'm sorry. But please. Please just let me get some sleep. I'm just so tired. You know I rarely bother you when you are sleeping." He laughs and says "I don't care Maya. You know that all the bullshit you do to me comes with s cost and I never get you back. I honk you can survive a few hours without sleep. It's not that much of a big deal." He smile and leans in for a kiss. I smack his lips won the back on of my hand and he furrows his eyebrows and says "ow that actually hurt."

He gets on the bed and lays on top of me. "I'm going to get you for that." I roll my eyes while saying "you would even hurt a fly." He grabs a pillow and hits me as hard as he can multiple times. I grab a pillow and I start to hit him back while laughing. We finally run out of breath and we take a break. I smile while looking down at him and seeing how the table have turned. I move the hair out of Lucas's face and I lean down to kiss him. He kisses me back. We stay like this for a long time until the bell rings. I get off of Lucas and I say "the pizza is here. I got it." "Don't worry I've got it." We go back and forth with this while walking to the door.

We get to the door and it is obvious the delivery boy is checking me out. Considering I'm wear the shortest shorts ever and a crop top. Luca notices and says "is there something you're looking for." while moving to stand in front of me. "Uh yeah is she your sister cause she's pretty hot." Lucas rolls his eyes and says "no that's my girlfriend so you can keep your eyes to yourself." And with that he closes the door.

Lucas turns to me and I smile. His eye widen and he says "what?!" "You're hot when you're jealous." He shakes his head while saying "stop maya that's not funny." I roll my eyes while saying "Fine you party pooper. You always know how to ruin all the fun."

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