What are you doing to me

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I see Missy and Lucas talking and then I see Missy whisper something in Lucas's ear and then she pecks him on the lips and walks away. I walk away. I go into the bathroom and I sit there trying to clear my head while fixing the mascara running down my cheeks. I hear the bell ring and I head to class. I see Lucas looking at me but I ignore him. After class he walks up to me and says "I owe you an apology." I smile faintly and I say "everyone does." I walk away and I go into the library. I see Charlie. I walk up to Charlie and I say "Charlie Gardner. CHEESE SOUFFLÉ"

I see maya walk up to me and she looks different. She was crying. "Hey Maya is everything okay." She hugs me and cries on my shoulder. The librarian tells us to leave so I take her to the bathroom. On our way there we see Lucas and I don't know what his problem is but he gives me a rude look. He says something to Maya and she stands there and says "Not right now Lucas. I just want a little break from you. I'll text you when I want to talk. But right now I'm upset and I want to cool off." She then kisses me on the cheek and I walk her to the bathroom.

"What happened Maya?" She just sits there and cries even more. I sit her on the edge of the sink and she just sits there and cries. I wipe her tears with my thumbs. "Thank you Charlie. You're so good to me. I'm sorry I suck. I'm sorry you're nicer to me then I am to you." She starts to pout and I say "you don't suck. I love you Maya. You're amazing. So do you want to talk about what happened?" She leans over and hugs me with her legs wrapped around my hips. "I love you Charlie." "I love you more." I say sighing knowing that she will only ever see me as a friend.

"So what do you want to do Maya?" "Go home." I sigh knowing that my mom will be mad and I say "then that's what we'll do." I carry Maya out into the hallway and Lucas is still there. "Put her down." He says in a rude tone. "She's just tired Lucas. And I'm sure by the looks of it it's because of you." I look over my shoulder at Maya and she is fast asleep. "And like Maya said she needs a break from you Lucas." Lucas just flips me off trying not to be loud so that Maya doesn't wake up.

We get to Mayas apartment and I lay her down on the couch. I kiss her forehead and she smiles. "Thank you for taking me home." I smile while saying "anything for you Maya." We both start to lean in and we kiss. It goes on like this for a while and none of us stop. I hold her face with my hand and I swipe my thumb across her cheek. We both pull away for a breath and she smiles. She says softly "do you mind if I take a nap?" "No of course not. This is your house. Do you want me to head out?" She quickly says "No! Stay with me. Please." I nod my head and I sit at the other end of the couch.

After a few minutes o watching tv Maya says "Charlie?" I look over at her and say "yes Maya." "Can you play with my hair? It helps me go to sleep. I know it's embarrassing but.." I smile and say "No it's fine. Of course I can." I lay her head in my lap and I play with her hair. She soon falls asleep and I leave.

The next morning Lucas comes to my house. Lucas looks at me and says "don't go around with other guys." I look at him confused and I say "Charlie isn't just some guy. I don't even want to talk to you Lucas." He tries to hold my hand but I let go. He looks at our hands then looks at me and says "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let Missy kiss me. Can you forgive me?" I start to cry because I can't forgive Lucas when I kissed Charlie. And worst thing about it is that I didn't hate it. I actually kind of liked it. I enjoyed it a lot.

"Maya why are you crying?" I sigh while saying "I don't want to talk. And I don't want to be your girlfriend Lucas." Lucas furrows his eyebrows and says "I get it we're rushing into things but the least you could do is talk to me. Maya were best friends how can you just go without talking to me?" I start to cry even more "I can't." Lucas hugs me and I start to feel bad remembering Charlie doing the same thing less then a few hours ago. Lucas starts to lean in and I gasp while saying "you can't do that. Not anymore." "Okay. I get it. That's fine." I sigh while saying "thank you for understanding Lucas. But I also need to tell you something without you getting upset." He just nods. "Yesterday I kissed Charlie." He furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "Was it to get back at me?" I shake my head no. "Then what the hell was it Maya?" I can see him getting up set and I walk over to the door and I open it. "I know you're mad right now Lucas but talk to me when you're ready to listen because I know when you get like this you do things that you regret." He just leaves without saying a word.

Maya stands in front of me and stares into my eyes. I look at her and I say "I love you Maya hart." While tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She smile and says "I love you too Lucas Friar." I am madly in love with maya but I don't want to scare her away. I kiss her and she kisses me back with passion. She starts to bite my lip and I pulled away. She bit her lip. "Maya stop we have to get to class." "Oh you're no fun." She kisses me and I pull away and I say "Save this for after school okay?" The sad thing is this whole thing was a dream.

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