Im in love with my best friend

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Me and my best friend are in love with each other. Maya jump on me and says "I love you Huckleberry." I put maya back on the ground and I kiss her. She was surprised but she kissed me back. She smiles and says "I love you more." I look into her eyes and I smile. Although I may not be able to see the future in her eyes I see hope. "So Maya. Is his you saying you will be my girlfriend?" She looks at me for a moment and says "i don't know how I would feel dating a Huckleberry or ranger rick. I'll have to think about it." I look at Maya with puppy dog eyes. She puts her finger in her mouth and pretends to gag and says "of course I'll date you Huckleberry." She lightly presses her lips against mine. "We have school tomorrow do you want me to drop you off?" "Can I stay here tonight? Please" I look at her. How can I say not to such a cute face "Fine."

I lay in Lucas' bed and I just think of all of the events today. Wow. Lucas is my boyfriend. I'm going to school tomorrow with my boyfriend. I look at Lucas and he is already sleeping. He is holding me so tight that if he held me any tighter he would be killing me. It takes me hours to fall asleep and when I finally do I hear Lucas' alarm clock. I just sit there and debate on whether I should cry or get ready for school. I get up and I get ready for school. I realize that I didn't bring any clothes so I take a sweatshirt and sweatpants out of Lucas' closet. I turn around and I see Lucas looking at me. I smile nervously and I say "hey...." He says back to me "if your going to steal from me at least be quiet about it." He faces the other way after he speaks. I just laugh. I say to him "you need to wake up anyway so it doesn't matter." I start to take off my clothes to put on Lucas'. Lucas says to me "you couldn't wait for me to turn around?" "You can if you want to." Although Lucas can't see me I smirk. I love messing with him. I take off my shirt and I see Lucas looking at me. "Turn around." He gets up and goes into the bathroom to start getting ready for school.

We are walking to school and I notice myself staring at maya the whole time. When we get to school missy walks up to me and when Maya sees Missy she walks away as fast as possible. I don't know why they hate each other so much.

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