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While I'm getting ready for school I get a text from Lucas.
Huckleberry- Hey Maya I'm downstairs can you let me in
Maya- No
Huckleberry- Y
Maya- I'm coming
Huckleberry- What's wrong maya why won't you let me in
Maya- Because I said so
Huckleberry- Whatever you say

"Hey you were just all over me last night what happened?" She looks at me confused and says "no I wasn't if anything it was the other way around I think you're confused ." I turn around so she can jump on my back. While we are walking to school Maya says to me "you're so obsessed with me it's sad. You can't spend a second away from me." I look at her and say "what?!?!" She looks at me and smiles "yeah last night you sounded so desperate. Just don't do that with your next girlfriend she is going to think you're clingy. But it's okay with me because I'm used it. And I think that it's kind of adorable. " "Hey Maya do you want to come over after school." She looks at me with her blue eyes and hesitated but says yes.

After school me and Lucas walk to his house. It was awkward I didn't know what to say but I mean he is just Lucas. Why can't I just talk to him like normal. "Hey Lucas?" He looks at me and says "what?" I give my signature smirk and say "I'm bored." "Well it's a good thing were here." I say opening the door letting Maya inside. Me and Maya lay on the couch cuddled up watching the hunger games. My hand slides down to Mayas butt and she looks at me. She takes my hand and intertwines our hands. "God Huckleberry you're such a horn dog." I smash my lips against Mayas. "Lucas what are you doing?" I leave sweet kisses on her jaw line as I trail kisses up to her lips again. She kisses me back. Our kisses are never like this. Maybe I should tell Maya how I feel. I pull away and we both smile. "Maya I've always known I like you as more than a friend but today I'm finally admitting it." She puts her hand on my should and says "I'm not going to be second best. You had your chance with me and you chose her." "I'm guessing that Riley never told you why we broke up." She shakes her head no. "I said to Riley 'I love you Maya.' She knew about my feelings for you and broke up with me and I never got over you. I was just able to keep a secret and so was Riley." I give her a big smooch and I smile. She smiles back at me I cup her face running my fingers across her dimple. "I love you too Lucas."

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