First date

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I get to school and Lucas is completely ignoring me. I get to school and Charlie walks up to me. "Charlie before you say anything I have to tell you something."  "Okay what is it." I take in a deep breath and say "so I did something bad yesterday. And I just want to say I'm sorry. And I completely understand if you break up with me. I did things with Lucas that I shouldn't have." He sighs and said "I knew this would happen. I knew you liked Lucas as more than a friend. Go to him. You love him." I hug Charlie whole saying "you don't always have to be a good guy. You can get mad at me. I know you want to yell at me. I don't want you to bottle up your feelings. If you want you can let all your anger at me." "I saw it coming Maya I'm not mad because I predicted it." I hug Charlie one last time

Maya walks over to me and I say "what do you want." "You're attention I'm officially done ignoring you." "Maya you have a boyfriend you need to leave me alone." Maya says "Lucas I had to tell what happened between me and you. I would have been so guilty." I slightly smile "you have my undivided attention." "Thanks Lucas." She holds My hand and She lays her head on my arm and we walk to class. "Jeez your such a big baby Maya." "I know. But you love me." I kiss her forehead while saying "yeah I do." "I love you too Lucas."

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