What are we

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I walk out of the library and I see maya and Charlie walking to class while holding hands. I honestly miss us the core four, lightning, thunder, I miss all of us being able to talk. Now Lucas and Maya barely talk and less than a week ago they were inseparable. I stand there. I must look stupid but they don't even see me there. I tell maya to stay away from Lucas and now she's not talking to him at all. I want to talk to Maya but it seems like she is always busy. Especially with Charlie. Maya probably doesn't even like Charlie. She is probably just looking for a distraction. Maya always gets bored of boys and moves on to another what makes Charlie any different form the other boys that she has "dated". I just want my best friends back. It starts to get boring when it is just me and Farkle. I don't even know what me and Farkle are anymore. One day we will be talking like friend and one day we will flirt with each other I don't know what we are anymore.

Riley still cares about maya and Lucas. And I bet seeing them together isn't helping her either. I don't know what me and Riley are but I know that I am in love her. I walk past Riley looking at maya and Charlie. She needs her. She just doesn't know it.

I get ready to leave school and someone comes up behind me and covers my eyes and says "guess who?" I smile and remove their hands and I hold them. I say "Charlie?" "Uh no. It's Lucas." I turn around and I slightly smile "so I'm guessing you're not mad at me anymore?" "I am a little bit. But I'm mostly over it. I just want my best friend back. I miss you." "That's nice Lucas but I have to go meet Charlie to study. I'm sorry. Text me."

This is the first movie night I've missed but I guess that its my fault. Maya knew I was lying to her about Rileys feelings toward Lucas. I have been keeping my distance from Riley because she is just stringing me along. She doesn't like me she just needs a distraction until she is able to get maya back. Maybe I should stop by Lucas' and see if he lets me in for movie night.

I text maya at five hoping that her study date with Charlie is over.
L- Hey Maya do you want to come over for movie night like old times
M- sure
L- cool do you need a ride
M- Uh no Charlie can drive me
L- okay cool see you then
M- yep
L- yep

Me and Maya are watch ten things I hate about you. Maya climbs onto my lap and starts kissing me roughly. Maya starts kissing down my neck. She starts to grind her hips against mine and as I was about to take off my shirt the doorbell rings.

That was just my imagination running wild and maya is just now getting here.

Maya sighs while saying "hey Lucas." Less then a minute later the doorbell rings again. I get up and answer the door and I see Farkle. "Hey Farkle long time no see." "Yeah it's been a while I was wondering if you were still doing movie night. And I know we haven't talked in a while but I miss the core four." I look into the living room where maya is and she is still watching the movie. I know Farkle and Maya aren't exactly talking right now but how can I say no to Farkle. "Yeah I course we are." I say pointing to Maya. Farkle walks into the living room and sees Maya.

One minute I'm watching a movie and next thing I know Farkle walks in. I sit there and eventually I say "hey Farkle." I don't know what to say. We haven't talked to each other in weeks and I don't know if he is still mad at me. He says back to me "Hey Maya." Lucas walks in and he can tell things are awkward. I sit up straight and I get a phone call. Thank goodness I don't think I could stay here any longer.

Maya goes outside to take a phone call and it's just me and Farkle for a while. She walks back inside and says "hey I've got to go home I'll see you Lucas and Farkle." I grab her hand and walk into the hallway "Maya I know you don't have to leave." She looks at the floor and says "no I really do." I pick up her chin so that she has to look at me. She looks at me and says "Fine I just don't want to be here it's so awkward. But I'll see you tomorrow so we can finish the movie okay?" "Fine but the next time Farkle comes over you're staying." She does a fake smile and says "Sure. Whatever. I'm going home bye." I cup her face in my hands. She rolls her eyes and says "What?" "Uh Nothing." She rolls her eyes and says "if you're trying to make a move on me just don't. Things are complicated with me right now. I don't want to drag you into it. Goodnight Huckleberry." She says as she walks away. I walk over to her and I grab her hand that's on the door handle. "You know you can stay." She nods and says "but I don't want to. Please let me go Huckleberry." I roll my eyes and I let go of her hand. I go outside and I yell to her "I love you." She turns around smiles "god stop being such a flirt Huckleberry."

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