I missed you

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I hear a knock on my door and I open it and I see Farkle. "Hey Farkle how are I haven't seen you in a while." He smiles and says "I need to tell you something." I look at him and I say "okay do you want to come in." He looks at me then looks at the ground and says "I think it would be best if I say this out here." I look at him confused and I say "okay what do you want to tell me?" He takes a deep breath and says "lately I've been feeling different about you. I have feelings for you Riley but you're too blind to see it. I've loved you since we were younger. But now I realize that I loved you in a different way. So do you have feelings for me too?" I stood there I looked at the ground while saying "I am in love with you Farkle." And with that Farkle had hugged me and walked away.

So now I'm confused. I was accepted. She told me she loved me maybe even now she loves me.

Maya looks up at me while resting her chin on my chest. I speak up and say "Wanna take a bath together?" She bites her lip while smiling and says "You read my mind. But are you sure? You're not afraid of me seeing you naked?" I shake my head no "Its nothing you haven't seen before." She covers her face with her hands and says "Stop it was an accident and you know it." I smirk while saying "But you didn't look away." "We were like ten I didn't know what to do."

I stand up and I go into the bathroom and I start running the water. After a few minutes the tub is full and I start to strip and I make sure that the door is open so Charlie sees me. Charlie kisses my bare shoulder and i smile. We get into the tub and i lay my head on Charlie's shoulder. I start to get self conscious. I bury my head in the crook of Charlies neck and he rubs my back. "I love you Maya papaya." My face gets really red and I say "Me ya more."



We walk around the Disneyland park with me on his back. We stop at a gift shop so Charlie can get a hat. "You should get that one you look cute." He smiles and we go up to the cash register. I hand the cashier the money but Charlie moves my hand and says "I can pay maya." "Okay Charlie." My phone starts ringing. I go outside of the store and I take the call.
R- Hey Maya
M- Riley?
R- Yeah I was wondering if we could meet up and talk later
M- Sure why not
Charlie walks up behind me and kisses my cheek. I laughs and I say "stop it."
R- Later today at Yafa cafe
M-Yeah Bye Riley
I hang up and I look at Charlie . "Really Charlie I was on the phone." "I don't think Riley cared that much." "You're noisy. But we need to leave in two hours so I can meet Riley." He grabs my hand and we run over to the tea cup ride. I look at him and smile "aren't you a little too old for that ride." He gets closer to my face and says "it will be our little secret." And then he kisses me. I kiss him back once the kiss was over I just look into his eyes. "Maya?" "Oh sorry."  We get on a few rides before it's time to leave. I ask Charlie to drop me off at my house so I can get a few things before I see Riley. He offers to give me a ride the cafe but I insist that he goes home.

I get to the cafe and I see maya walk in. "Hey Riley what did you want to talk to me about." I look at her and I smile and say "sorry. I'm sorry for not telling Lucas what happened I'm sorry for trying to rush our friendship back together and I'm so sorry for trying to break up you and Lucas's friendship. I understand if you don't forgive me Maya I just needed to get that off my chest." She smiles and I see a tear escape her eye she looks at me and says "of course I forgive you Riles you're my best friend. And you don't have to worry about me and Lucas. Our friendship broke on its own." I stand up and I hug while saying "I miss you Peaches." She pulls away from the hug and says "but things aren't going to go back to the way they were we are going to take baby steps okay?" "As long as I can still call you Peaches that's okay with me."

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