We're not dating

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I walk to my locker before lunch and Lucas and Farkle come up to me. Farkle says "Why are you being so passive with everyone. But mostly Lucas." I stop Farkle before he can say anything else and I say "Me and Lucas are fine we are just not the same. And change is good." Lucas looks at me confused and says "Maya what are you talking about? You basically refuse to talk to me and whenever you do it's fire coming out of your mouth. You always use your words to hurt me. It would be nice to hear Lucas how have you been since you never seem to want to talk to me." "Can you really say I'm hurting you when everything you say to me I sexual. What I'm doing is shutting you down so that the next girl you talk to doesn't have to deal with you ignorance." Farkle awkwardly walks away. Lucas leans in close and pins me against the locker then says "you and me this weekend okay? Because clearly we are having communication issues and we need to talk." I smile and say "Fine." He starts to walk away and I say under my breath "I missed you Lucas." He walks back over to me with a smile on his face while saying "i missed you too Maya but I don't know if I should believe you because you've been avoiding me." I smirk while saying "I like how physical you are with me sometimes." I wink as I walk away. Wow I just gave him mixed signals.

After our date Farkle walked me home. We were talking at the front of my house and he kissed me. He walked away and I stood there in shock. I ran inside and I called Maya.
M-Hey Riley
R- *screams*
M-Are you Okay?
R- No Farkle just kissed me
M- aww how cute
R- Not cute it's amazing
M- Hey Riles can we talk about this tomorrow I'm at Lucas's house
R- Yeah of course we can
M- Bye Riles
R- Bye Peaches

Me and Lucas are sitting in complete silence. Until Lucas finally says "how is your relationship with Charlie?" I clear my throat and I say "it's uh nice." He sits closer to me and says "sorry it was just awkward having that much room between us." I nod trying my best not to feel uncomfortable. "So what's been up with us Maya?" "I honestly don't know. It's like it's impossible for me to be normal around you." He shrugs and says "but why Maya what did I do to you to make you so mad?" I furrow my eyebrows and I say "maybe it's you being you. Maybe it's the way you always think your some kind of Greek god or how you just think your effortlessly hot or how you can wake up in the morning and still be hot." He smirks and says "it sounds like your into me." "Well get over it because I'm not." He rest his hand on my thigh and my face starts to burn up. He leans in close to my face and says "so you're telling my your not into me at all." I don't say anything I just sit there. I try my hardest to say something but I can't. So instead I just shake my head no. "Even if I were to do this." Lucas kisses me and my back instantly hits the couch cushions. He starts to dry hump me and I'm not hating it. His tongue starts to explore my mouth as I pull on the end of his hair. He moans in my mouth causing me to moan. Every time he moves his hips against mine I get more and more turned on. I take off his shirt and I start to make hickeys leading down to his abs. He pulls me back up towards his face and captures me in a sweet kiss. While we're kissing he effortlessly unhooks my bra with one hand. He starts to take off my shirt. And take in mind he's still grinding on me. I moans in moan so bad. When me and Lucas were on speaking terms we would help each other release stress and by that I mean he would finger me and I'd give him a hand job.
He kisses down my chest and sucks on my nipple. I moan loudly not being able to keep it in.

He started to unbutton my pants when there is a knock at the door. "Ignore it." He takes off my pants and starts to kiss my inner thighs he licks the fabric that is cover up my pussy. the door rings again and someone says something that is inaudible. "Lucas answer the door." He kisses me up to my lips and says "no." And pecks my lips a few times. Suddenly my phone starts ringing and it's Charlie. I reach for my phone but Lucas pins my hand down. "Lucas you know we shouldn't be doing this." "Maybe if you didn't let Charlie into your life so easily we wouldn't have a problem." He kisses me roughly but I take it knowing he is mad at me. "I'm sorry." I say while looking down. Lucas pulls my shirt over my head. He looks me in the eyes and let's put a deep breath. "It's okay Maya." I just shake my head while tear roll down my cheeks. He just holds me in his arms. "It's okay Maya." He takes me to his room to lay me down.

He picked me up and He carries me to his bedroom. I start "coughing" and I say "Lucas I'm sorry." "Calm down Maya you're shaking." He pulls me onto his lap and pets the top of my head.

She finally stops crying and I go downstairs to get her phone. I check it and there are text from Charlie.
C- I'm outside
C-are you guys there
C-are you okay?
C- I thought you wanted me to pick you up
I sigh before doing this. I know Maya is happy with Charlie. We're not going to tell anyone what happened today.
M- everything is okay. We aren't there right now. Lucas said he would take me home. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.
C- it's okay. Have fun. Just not to much.

I shake Maya awake. "Get dressed Maya. I'm taking you home." "Can I please stay here?" I sigh and I say "no Maya. Charlie is wondering where you are and you know he's going to pick you up for school." "Then I'll tell him not to just please let me stay with you tonight." "Fine Maya but the next time you're here your going home." She hugs me and I kiss her lips lightly. I'm going to miss this.

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