Road trip

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"Are you ready?" I say as I hold his face to mine. He nods. We sit there in silence. I finally say to Lucas "You're pretty hot when you're not talking" He looks at me and says "Really?" I laugh and I say "Aw look you ruined it." I lay my head on his shoulder and I smile. Lucas moves hair out of my face and kisses my forehead. He can be a jerk sometime but sometimes he can be really sweet.

Maya leaves the room to do something and I sit there and think to myself. 

I still can't believe I'm going to Florida with Maya. Maya burst through the door and jumps on me. I say to her "one day I'm not going to catch you when you do that." She rolls her eyes and says "Are you ready to go?" I smile while saying "Once you get off of me I'll be ready." She stands up and says "I'm driving give me the keys." I laugh walking over to the drivers side of my truck saying "No you're not I'm driving." She looks at me and bats her eyelashes and I laugh she says under her breath while walking to the passenger seat "you're a dickhead."

I start to drive and Maya is still giving me the death stare. I look at Maya and I say "are you done." She looks me in the eyes and says "I would kill you if I could." I laugh. This is going to be a long ride.

Thirty minutes into the ride Maya turns on the radio and her favorite song starts playing she sticks her head out of the window and the wind makes her hair blow it looks amazing. Maya is crazy but she is my best friend I would do anything for her.

She starts singing the chorus and I smile at her.

I hold Lucas' hand while I'm listening to the song on the radio. He squeezes my hand three times and I smile. I look at him and I get my bag and I pull out my Polaroid camera and I take a picture of him. He says to me "Why did you take a picture of me?" I smirked "as much as I don't want to admit it you looked cute." I say as I hand him the picture. He looks at the picture then at me and says "so I don't look cute right now." I look at him for a moment before saying "You think what you want to think Huckleberry. I'm joking you are cute you just look better when you're not trying and I don't mean that in a bad way it's just that it's true." For the rest of the ride I look out the window every now and then but fall back to sleep.

I wake up and I see Lucas looking at me. "Why are you staring at me Huckleberry." He laughs and says "I'm not staring at you I'm looking at the view maya maybe if your head wasn't in the way it would be easier." I look outside and we are in Florida. I look at Lucas and he smiles at me and says "now I'm looking at you Hart." I roll my eyes.

Soon enough we get to Shawn's beach house. It's pretty small and when we get inside there is two bedroom. Me and Lucas decide to room together since and Riley haven't really made up. and we unpack our clothes.

I look around and I see the beach and my swim suit. I go into the bathroom and change then I leave. I didn't even tell Lucas but he's smart he'll be able to figure out where I am. I sit on the shore and I look at the sky. I smile. It's amazing.

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