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I get up and I call maya.
M- Hey Riley
R- so about your pla-
M- What are you talking about Riley. You're so weird. Sure I'll meet you there
Maya hangs up and I get a text from her.
M- He was right there. I'll meet you at Topangas in an hour
R- see you soon
Maya and Lucas are so cute. I call Farkle.
F- Hey babe
R- Hey are you coming with me to Topangas in new year
F- I wouldn't miss it for the world
R- Farkle
F- yes
R- I love you
F- I love you too
R- I'll see you there
F- Yep

I get my camera and I jump on top of Lucas to wake him up. I get the picture and it looks great. He smiles and says "so you're going to be my stalker now." I smile and say "I can't help it you're face speaks to the camera." I lean down and I kiss him. I take another picture. Lucas takes my camera and says "I'm done being your model." "Don't think of it as being a model think of yourself as being my muse." He looks at me with his charming green eyes and says something but I didn't hear him because I was getting lost in his eyes. It's a field in his eyes and in that field I see myself and I'm at piece. "Maya are you even listening to me?" I lose my train of thought and I look at Lucas. "I'm sorry what were you saying." "I was saying how you just can't jump from one guy to the next because that makes me feel like your doormat because the whole time you were with Charlie you were ignoring me." I sigh while saying "you're completely right and I'm sorry I made you feel that way. But I really do love you Lucas. Can you forgive me." I pout. "Fine. Come here." I crawl into Lucas's lap and he smiles and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. "I love you too Maya." He starts to lean in to kiss me but I say "Uh Lucas I have to go meet Riley to do something but I will see you later." He whines while saying "but Mayaaaa." "I'm sorry." I kiss his cheek and I change into some of Lucas's clothes and Lucas walks with me to Topangas. I see Riley and Lucas leans in for a kiss but I turn my head. He says to me "Really Maya?" I kiss him lightly on the lips and I whisper in his ear "I'll save the good stuff for later." I walk into Topangas and I leave Lucas standing there.

I look at Maya confused and I say "what did you say to Lucas to make him act like that?" "Nothing." She said as she bit her lip. I gagged. "So do have everything?" She nods and says "Riley do you think he will like it? He started to get annoyed when he noticed me taking pictures a lot. I just want him to like it. He is always s-" I cut maya off before she can say anything else and I say "maya it doesn't matter if he likes it or not it matters that he loves you." She stands up and hugs me. "Thank you Riles." "I'll see you later Peaches I have to start setting up and you have to get ready. I'll see you at the party. Bye." She watches me walk out while waving to her.

I watch Riley leave and I call Lucas.
M- Hey Huckleberry can you pick me up
L- Yeah
M- Oh and Huckleberry Riley wants us to meet her on her roof for the party
L- okay Maya I'll see you soon.

Maya gets in my car and tells me to drop her off at her house and meet at Riley's at 11:30. I look at Maya as we pull up to her place and I say to her "I'm going to miss you." In an attempt to make her stay. She looks at me and smiles "you're so cute when you beg. But I have to go Huckleberry. Text me if you miss me too much." She grabs my face and kisses me then leaves. I watch her walk into her house and I smile. Maya makes me feel things I've never felt before. She drives me crazy. But I'm crazy in love with her. Once I see she is inside I text her.
L- I miss you
M- You're still outside
L- I know
M- This is why you're such a Huckleberry
L- But I'm your huckleberry
M- Drive home safe and then text me
L- Alright I love you maya
M- I love you more
L- Not possible
M- 😍
I look at Mayas window and I see her waving at me.

I get a FaceTime call from Lucas.
L- Hey babe
M- Lucas you saw me thirty minutes ago
L- But you said I could call if I missed you
M- No I said you could text me
L- Can I pick you up at 11:00
M- No Riley said she would pick me up
L- Okay
M- Lucas are you okay? You seem more clingy that usual.
His eyes widen
L- I'm not clingy
M- No need to get offended. I get it you miss me. Even if you are clingy it's my fault because we are always together.
L- I'll see you at Riley's party
M- I'm sorry Lucas you know I didn't mean it like that
L- Of course you didn't
M- Thank you for understanding
L- Yeah I now understand that we spend too much time together and I need to give you You're space
M- Lucas you know I didn't mean that I love spending time with you
L- I'll see you later maya
M- I love y-

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