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I wake up for school and I get a FaceTime from Lucas. I look at the phone and I say "please tell me this is important because I'm kinda busy." "Good morning to you too maya. Im outside can you let me in." "I'm at Charlie's. I don't need a ride. And we're not on speaking terms right now unless you have an apology for me." I hang up. Charlie soon knocks on the door and says "Maya is everything okay?" "Yep. Everything is just peachy." Me and Charlie wall outside hand in hand and Lucas is there. What the hell. I feel like o can't breath with Lucas on my back. Charlie sees Lucas and says "isn't that Lucas? I think he's here to pick you up." I shake my head no while saying "I want to walk with you. I'm going to walk to school with you. Me and Lucas can talk later." He looks at me and smiles and says "good because I wouldn't want it any other way." I smirk and I say "oh really?." He nods. I kiss him on the cheek and I say "best boyfriend ever."

I look outside and I see maya and Charlie walking hand in hand past me. Things have been different ever since maya started dating Charlie. She seems happier but when you talk to her she is still maya. But I just hope that he is treating her right. The only thing that sucks about her relationship with him is that she had to break up with Lucas. Lucas has been trying his hardest to even get Maya to notice him. She won't even give him the light of day. Lucas is always on Mayas heels trying to show that he is worth her time. I can't believe Maya I thought that she would at least try her vest to make time for Lucas. I guess maya can't handle for then one boy in her life like that. I see Lucas's car. And Maya and Charlie walk past it. He soon text me to tell me he is here to pick me up. I look st Lucas wave her but Maya ignores him and pretend like he's not even a person. I feel bad for Lucas. But as long as she is happy I'm happy. I get in and I see Farkle. He doesn't even look at me. I understand but I need to talk to him. The ride to school was awkward. This was our first time hanging out as the core four. I see Lucas look through the rear view and say "So.. How is everyone doing." No one says anything. We get to school and we part ways as soon as possible.

I start to walk over to maya and I see her talking to Charlie. I walk over to them and I wrap my arm around Maya's shoulder and she looks at me annoyed. She says to Charlie "I'll talk to you later. Bye Charlie." She looks at me annoyed and says "I was talking to someone." And she takes my hand off of her painfully fast. "I didn't want him to get the wrong idea." She looks at me and laughs hysterically "what wrong idea Lucas me and Charlie are together just be happy for me." I scoff and I run my hand through my hair. "But why him Maya? He is so tiny." She says in a mean tone "Lucas he is only three inches shorter then you. He's not hat small." "Three inches could make a huge difference in bed princess." I wink at her and she looks at me in disgust and says "get out of my face Lucas." I smirk while saying "why because I'm so hot it's killing you." She sighs loudly and says "Lucas you're pissing me off can we just talk like civilized regular humans later." I just look at her and laugh. "Whatever you want princess. I pull her closer by her waist and she stops on my foot with her three inch heel.

I get out of Lucas's car and I walk to my locker. Riley come up to me and says "Farkle I need to talk to you." I sit there and I say "then start talking." She looks at the ground and says "I don't know why you're acting like this. Farkle when I said I liked you I thought you felt he same way from what you said. I was wondering if you would like to go out with me to Topanga's. So what do you say Farkle is it a date?" I look at her and smile "it's a date."

After I finish talking to Farkle maya runs up to me and hugs me. I fall to the ground. She says to me "he said yes." I smile and I say "how about we go on a double date Friday." She stands up and says "actually Charlie hasn't even taken me on a date so how about after Charlie ask me out on a date we will go on a double date." I nod and I walk to my first period class.

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