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Riley yells to me from downstairs "Come on Maya the party is about to start!" "Okay I'm coming down." I walk out of the bathroom and someone pulls me into a bedroom. I look up and I see Lucas. He pulls me closer and I pucker my lips out thinking hes going to kiss me but he smears my lipstick all over my face. I furrow my eyebrows and say "Lucas why would you do that. It took me forever to do my makeup." "Because you look better without it. Can you please take it off?" I storm back into the bathroom. Lucas leaves the room. I walk back downstairs and I say to Lucas "thanks dad." He rolls his eyes and says " Really Maya?" Farkle speaks up and says "I'd rather you not call him daddy in front of us." "It's not like that Farkle."

When we get to the party it is nothing like I expected. Lots of alcohol and drugs and many more things. I decide to stay close to maya because this isn't exactly my type of setting but this girl drags me upstairs.

I explain to the girl that I'm hear with my 'girlfriend' trying my best to get away from her. By the time I do I see maya dancing on a table. She stands up and hits her head on the chandelier and falls backward and I quickly catch her. "Get off of me I'm fine." "Okay then." I let her go and she falls over again but I catch her before she can hit the ground. "You're not Fine." She keeps refusing my help while saying "I am Fine I just need to lay down." I laugh a little while saying "No cause if you lay down you'll go to sleep." She laughs while saying "sleep is good." "Not when you might have a concussion. Come on sit down." I say while sitting her down on a chair outside." I walk away to find maya some water but once I do she starts to fall out of her chair. I run back and I catch her and lay her back upright. "Come on." I say while picking her up and dragging her to the swings. "This is so patronizing." "Oh someone's using big words." I say sarcastically. Maya says "I don't think so." While falling to the ground. I pick her back up and she says "why are you doing this?" "Because i said you might have a concussion." I sit her on the swing and she says "you don't care if I never wake up." I say sarcastically sure I do." She looks at me confused and says "why?" "Because then I'd have to find a friend who's actually nice to me." She leans in and says "like you would find one." I point to her and say "like that there who needs affection when I have plain hatred." She smile and sits down. Her eyes start to roll back and she starts to fall out of her swing. I quickly pick her up and sit down next to her in the other swing. She looks at me and is focusing on my eyes very hard. "You have pretty eyes. They're green but with a little yellow." She starts to fall back again. "Okay I think it's time to go home." She whines while sitting there.

"Maya lets go." "Can we stay please." She says slurred. I shake my head no and she whines like a baby. I wrap my arm around her waist and we leave the party. When we are outside I realize that Mayas face is bright red. I bend down to look at her face and I say "come on let's go." She looks at me and says "you're really hot." "Okay Maya let's go. While we are walking home Maya keeps saying "I love you Lucas." And every single time she says that I have to say back "I love you too Maya." We finally get home and the first thing Maya does is kiss me and then she whispers in my ear "I want you." "Maya come on let's go to bed." When we get to the room she takes her dress off front of me and throws it at me while walking over to me trying to be sexy but she can barely walk in a straight line. I hand her a shirt so she can cover up. I don't want to deal with drunk maya again. I hand her sweatpants but when I turn around she is already sleeping on the bed with my shirt on and nothing else. I let maya go to sleep.

I wake up the next day with a horrible head ache. The last thing I remember is me grabbing cup after cup. I look next to me and Lucas isn't there. There is a note on his pillow that says " Don't worry about me I'll be back soon
-Huckleberry " I smile and lay back down. I hear the door open and close I'm guessing that's Huckleberry. He comes upstairs with pain killers for my headache I say to him "thank you so much. I have a few questions about last night." He nods and he tells me that I told him he was hot and I kept saying that I loved him on the way home and that I passed out after we got home.

I didn't want to tell her about how she wanted to sleep with me because I didn't want to embarrass her. Plus that would have made things awkward. She looks at me and says "why don't I have on any pants?" "Because you went to sleep before you could put them on." all she says after that is oh. She looks at me and smiles and says "I love you Lucas." "I love you too Maya." She cups my face and rubs her thumb across my cheek and she gives me a small smile before laying back down.

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