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I go back to the house and I watch some tv. No one is here yet except for me and Lucas. Except Lucas is not here right now. I hear Lucas bust through the door. He says to me "Maya you had me looking for you you scared me to death why weren't you answering your phone?" I see concern in his eyes and I say "I'm sorry." He scoffs and says "Whatever Maya." I get confused and I walk over to him and ask "What's wrong." He grabs onto my wrist while saying "You act like you don't care about anything Maya I care about you so much more than you realize but your to busy making a mess of things to notice." I try to pull away
from his tight grip butt he doesn't let me go so I step on his foot with all my force. he curses under his breathe trying to make it not seem like he is pain. I yell "Lucas if anything you're making a mess of things not me. Tell me the last time I got us into trouble. I'll wait." We sit there for a moment and I laugh and say "You're really trying to think of a moment and you can't because I just want the best for you." I leave and I go back to the beach.

I didn't mean to get upset I was scared. I soon hear the door open and close. I don't know where she is going but I know that she is leaving because of what I did. I'm sorry Maya. I overreacted because your my best friend I don't know what I would do without you.

I see Riley and Frakle and I run up to them. "I'm so happy that you guys are here. Me and Lucas just got in an argument and I don't want to be alone but at the moment I can't stand to see his face." Riley slightly smiles while looking at the ground all wide eyed while Farkle is slightly frowning. On our way back to the house Farkle says "How are you guys already fighting you got here about three hours ago. Also what could you guys possibly be fighting about you guys never fight." "He thought I was missing and he overreacted." Farkle looks at me and says "He only did it because he cares about you and wants you to be safe at all cost. Lucas is like that with all of his friends. You know that." I sigh and I look at the ground "I guess you're right. But you're always right so it doesn't matter."


I go to the nearest shop and grab flowers. I know it's cheesy. I hear the door open and I see maya. I run up to her and I hug her to death. "Lucas please put me down." I put her down and I look at her and I notice that Riley and Farkle are now here. I say to them "Sorry." While looking down at the ground. Farkle says "It was okay. We'll just be going to our room."I just nod. Once they leave I smile while saying "I got you something."  I say as I hand her the flowers. She smiles and says "cheesy but cute." As she makes her way to our room. She pats for me to sit next to her on the bed. She says to me "What is wrong with us. We don't get into fights but lately things have changed. Is it me?" I say back "No Maya it's me I've been too protective of you and I need to give you some space." She says back to me "the last thing that I need is space. I'm happy that you care enough about me that you feel the need to protect me." With that she hugs me.

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