Im sorry

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I wake up in Lucas's bed. I walk downstairs and I see Lucas laying on the couch. "Lucas. We need to talk." He looks at me and smiles "okay. What do you want to talk about?" "I'm confused and I feel like I want something but I know I shouldn't but I want something else that... I'm just so confused." I hug him. I don't want a response. I look at him and I smile. He says to me "Just take your time to think things through." I smile and He leans down and kisses me. I stand up and I head outside to go home. That whole situation was awkward and I'm confused and he knew I was confused yet he still thought that it would be a good idea to kiss me. He starts to walk me to the door until I say "Lucas that was inappropriate." "Maya it always seems like your in business mode around me. Why can't you talk to me like your my best friend. I thought things would be normal between us but now you're always so distant." I scoff and I say "you're acting like our friendship before was normal because let me tell you it wasn't. It was fucked up and we were only friends because we were hiding our feelings. Now that I'm even slightly involved with someone you think I'm being different. Im just trying to be honest with myself and you're making me confused." We sit there in silence and Lucas tries to kiss me but I stop him. "You're a fucking idiot." I leave from Lucas's house

I have to tell riley how I feel about her. I'm done just letting her string me along like I'm her puppet it's either she likes me back or we are just friends I'm not going to have her play with my feelings like I'm her toy. But I do know that she still has feelings for Lucas.

I wake up and I see Mayas sketch pad under my bed I open it and I look at it. Wow.

I wake up to someone knocking on my door. I open it and it's maya. I yawn while saying "hey Maya is everything okay?" She doesn't say anything but just hugs me. I run my hands through her hair and she groans in satisfaction.

We sit in my living room with maya laying on top of me while watching some tv show she wanted to watch. "Are you going to tell me what happened M?" "No I'm just tired and I want to cuddle." I sigh while running my fingers through her hair trying to make her go to sleep. "Thank you Charlie. You're the best." She leans up and pecks at my lips. I finally kiss her back.

I take her up to my room so she can sleep in my bed. I lay next to her and she says "I need to tell you something. But first I need to know if we are anything serious." "I want to be something serious but I don't want to pressure of rush you into something." She takes in a deep breath and says "Lucas kissed me." I sigh while saying "well did you kiss him back?" She shakes her head no and I smile. I pull her closer by her waist and I kiss her. "So are we going to be anything serious mr. Gardner." "That would be a treat ms. Hart."

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