Teenage Dirtbag

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Me and Lucas lay on his bed and stare aimlessly at the ceiling. I say "so Riley and Farkle." He says back "Farkle and Riley." I laugh. I stand up and head to Riley's without telling Lucas where I'm going. I hear foot steps behind me when I walk outside and a smile creeps upon my face. I turn around and say "Why are you following me Huckleberry your life must be really boring if you're following me." He says back "So your just going to leave without telling me?" I turn around while smirking "That's what I intended to do until you started following me." He rolls his eyes while saying "Maya where are you going?" I stare at him "it's none of your business but if you must know I'm going to Riley's." He smiles and says back "I'll walk with you." He takes hold of my hand while we walk to Riley's.

I look outside for maya and I see her and Lucas at it again. Maya and Lucas are laughing about some conversation they are having. I see Lucas hug Maya and maya kiss him on the cheek. Maya then whispers something in Lucas' ear and he gets really red. I look away. I breath in deeply and let it out. I try not to stress and to just talk to Maya about the truth with her and Lucas but it's hard to be mean to Maya but I need to tell her how I feel. I know that Lucas makes Maya happy but is her relationship with Lucas worth not making me happy. You know what? I can't do this. Maya hid her feelings for Lucas for so long that I don't want to ruin her happiness and I don't want her to choose between me and Lucas. Lucas makes Maya happy like he once did with me. If Maya wasn't happy when I was with Lucas then I can handle this tinge of sadness that I feel when they are together. I don't want to risk my friendship with Maya because of my feelings. Maya once went through what I'm feeling right now because of me so I'm willing to do the same for her.

I walk inside Riley's apartment and I see her in the bay window. I smile. It's been a while since we've had a conversation in the bay window. She holds both of my hands and says "I miss you. I just want us to hang out again. As Riles and Peaches. I just don't want our friendship to go down the drain because I can see it leading down a path where we won't talk to each other." I look back at her shocked and I say "you're joking right Riles. You're my forever. Nothing can change that. Nothing will change that. We will forever and always be Honey and Peaches." She looks at me then at floor then back at me and hugs me while saying "I love you know that right Maya?"I squeeze her to death and say "Of course I do." "Maya look at me I'm not joking." I let go of her and smile "Ring power." She smiles and hooks her finger with mine and says "Lighting." "Thunder." And we both say "Forever." While resting our heads together. 

Me and Riley catch up on all of the red planet diary episodes we missed. She kept her promise when she told me that she would never watch this show without me. We both fall asleep but I end up waking up at midnight with a nightmare.

M- *sniffs* lucas can you come get me
L- Are you crying
M-*starts to cry* can you please pick me up
L- Of course Maya where are you
M- I'm at Riley's you dip shit. Where else would I be?
L- Who knew you could still be a bitch even when you are crying

I go silent and I sniffle

L-I'm sorry. Not funny. I'll be there soon

I get to Riley's and I see Maya on the steps of Riley's apartment the with her knees pulled up to her chest and her head on between her knees crying. I sit next to her and I hug her she doesn't even bother to look back at me when she hugs me back. I hear her cry into my chest and it breaks my heart to hear her cry. When we were outside I got drenched but I don't care because Maya needed me and I will always be there for her. Maya was soaked and there was no way for her get dry. We drive back to my house. On our way there the car was silent and that was okay. Suddenly Maya reaches for the radio and puts the song Teenage dirtbag. I smile and look at maya. She takes my hand and starts singing trying to get me to sing along with her. "Come on ranger rick you know you want to." And I start singing along loudly. I guess she just needs to let loose. When the song ends I look at her and say "do you feel better?" She nods. "Thank you for being such a good friend." She lays her head on my shoulder while smiling. "I love you Maya." She laughs a little and says "I know you do." I sigh while smiling.

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