Its over

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I wake up to someone calling me.
M- Hello
L- Good morning maya
M-it's six in the morning and it's Saturday why are you calling me
L- because I'm downstairs and I brought you breakfast
I hang up and run downstairs. Breakfast what more could I want. I get free food and there's someone to keep me company. I go downstairs and I open the door but I don't see Lucas. I look at phone and I still on a call with Lucas.
M-Hey where are you
He comes from around the corner and scared me. I grab the bag of food and I close the door in front of him. I look in the bag and I see tacos. I open the door and I say "you're forgiven." "Oh thank you princess Maya." I smile and I let him inside. I eat and then I go upstairs to take a shower. I get out of the shower and I see clothes laid out on my bed. "did you pick out my clothes?" He says back "yeah." I look under the clothes and I see my underwear and a bra. "Lucas did you go through my dresser. Get out." He walks out of my room and I get dressed. I walk out of my room and I notice me and Lucas are matching. "I'm not going to wear the same outfit as a Huckleberry." He looks at me and says "Then where the same outfit as a ranger rick." I smile. "Fine." He goes in for a kiss but stops an inch away from my lips as I gasp and he says "you know you don't have to go through things alone. I'm here for you Maya like I have always been." He then kisses my cheek. I smile and I walk down the stairs. "Thanks Lucas."

We get to the mall and we see Riley. She starts to walk over to us and Maya walk away. I watch her go into the bathroom and Riley follows her.

Riley walks into the bathroom and I hug her. "I know we're not friends right now but I really missed you and I cant stand being away from you." Riley speaks up and says "I missed you so much Maya. I know its going to take a while for us to fix thing between us." I take in a deep breath and I swallow my pride while saying "Can we take a break from this fight I really just want to talk you." Riley releases from the hug and says "I don't think there is a need to take a break from this fight because you're the happiest I've ever seen you. You're happy with Lucas and maybe Charlie and I'm happy for you guys. end of fight?" She hold out her pinkie finger with her ring on it. I latch my finger onto hers "End of this fight." We both walk out of the bathroom. Lucas says to me "Are you okay?" I nod my head while smiling.

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