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I wake up to the sound of Lucas' alarm clock. I shut it off and get ready. I look at Lucas and I wake him up. Lucas drives us to school and I say to Lucas "I love you." He looks at me and says "why?" "You're enjoying this too much Huckleberry." The rest of the drive to school was mostly silence. I hold Lucas' hand because it calms me and that's exactly  what I need when I get to school makes me want to do things I'll regret. I see Riley and I hug her. "I'm sorry I left on Sunday." "It's okay. You didn't need to stay. I fell asleep and you wanted to leave. Its okay." I go to my locker and Me and Lucas' locker are right next to each other. We get into Mr. Matthews classroom and the board says guilt. How can this contribute our lives. I look next to me and I see Riley and she looks uncomfortable. I raise my hand and say "Matthews I don't think that this one relates to us. I think you finally might be wrong about a lesson" Mr. Matthews pretends like he doesn't hear me and continues on with his lesson.

Its finally time for lunch but me and Maya go to the library instead. Maya works on her songs and I listen. I look for a book and maya start talking to a boy. I turn around to see Charlie Gardner. Great. I walk over to them and I grab Mayas hand. She looks at me confused. "Are you okay?" "Actually Maya I need to talk to you." I start to drag her away and she say in a flirty tone "bye Charlie." He scratches the back of his necks and say back to her "bye Maya."

"Maya you know that Charlie does drugs right?" She looks at me like I'm dumb and says "no duh everyone in the school knows." I give her the same look back while saying "exactly and that's why I think that you shouldn't be hanging out with him." She rolls her eyes and says "Huckleberry there no need to worry. Just because he's a druggy doesn't mean he can't be a cutie and if I didn't know any better I'd say your jealous." I roll my eyes and I say "You know what I am jealous. I'm jealous that you're talking to Charlie instead of me." She looks into my eyes and tugs on my bottom lips with her thumb and says "Well don't be." She leans upward and gives me a peck on the lips. I hold her by her waist and I bring her into a passionate long kiss. She puts her hand on my chest and pulls away. Her face is flushed and I smile.

LUCAS POINT OF VIEW The teacher tells us to write what we are feeling

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The teacher tells us to write what we are feeling. And I draw this.

I look over and I see Maya drawing someone crying. "Why did you draw that?" "I don't really know why? I guess my mind just went blank."


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