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Maya looked at me and said "promise you'll never leave me." I said "Why?" I don't know what happened between Riley and Maya but I don't want to see maya hurt. She looks at me and says "Please just don't leave me. At least not tonight." I sigh then I hug Maya "Then I was." I look at her and she gives me a fake smile that is so close to real that if I didn't know Maya I'd think she was happy. We get to my house and maya starts to take off her seatbelt. I say to her "Maya?" She looks into my eyes and says "Yeah." I ask her concerned  "Do you want to talk about it?" She shakes her head while saying "Not right now lucas." I hold her hand and I say "Stop Maya you're upset. Please let me help you." And with that she gets out of the car pulls out her pair of keys to my house and walks in. (The story behind her having a key is that she was sick and she went over to my house but I had to go to school so I gave her my key and told her to make herself at home and she got a copy of my keys when I was at school and I was just like. Whatever) When I get inside Maya is already in my room. I open the door and I see her changing into my/her clothes. She screams I scream and it goes on and on like that for 30 seconds until she runs to the door and closes it. It's been about five minutes and I hear music playing.

I need to let loose. I put some music on and I lay on Lucas' bed. Sometimes when life gets hard I need to take a break. A moment to breath. I stare at the ceiling until Lucas comes in. He says to me "Maya what are you doing." I say back "I'm relaxing." We lay on his bed with Lucas hovering over top of me. I flip us around so that I'm on top of him. I then roll off of him and lay back in my original spot staring at the ceiling. I look into his eyes and a smirk forms on my face. He puts hands on my hips and pulls them down so im sitting in his lap. He gently kisses me and I start to whimper in his mouth feeling the tent in his pants against me. I pull at his hair and he moans. I slip my tongue in his mouth. I start to unbutton his flannel and he hold my hand to make me stop. We continue our make out session. I try to unbutton his top again but he stops me and says "Maya stop." I rolls my eyes "you're the one who started it." He looks me into my eyes and says to me "You're right and I'm sorry. I'm just not ready."I get off of his lap and I quickly turn on the tv not wanting to talk about it. This is what I get for trying to be friends with this little virgin boy. Truth be told I'm a virgin too but as much as I hate say my jackass friend is pretty hot and sometimes I get ahead of myself. Lucas speaks up and says "I'm sorry." I take a After about an hour I say to him "you know winter break is in a week and I know we will spend most of winter break together so I was thinking why not have a road trip. We go to Florida. Shawn has a beach house up there. We can spend time together with just you and me. Or Farkle and Riley. We can do whatever you want its you're choice." He looks me in the eyes and says "Okay lets do it. And invite Riley and Farkle." I say to him "it's been a long time since I've done this but I think this moment needs one." His expression changes from happy to scared and he says "Maya there is always another sol-" "HAHURRRRR!" He sighs and says "wow Maya." I smile and I walk downstairs. (Lucas is rich) I go to the indoor pool. I put on my swimsuit and I sit on one of the beach chairs staring at the sun outside. I hear Lucas walk in and say "Maya when I said make yourself at home I didn't mean literally make this your home." I roll my eyes. A few minutes go by and Lucas comes out wearing his swimming trunks. He walks over to me half asleep puts me in his arms and drops me into the water. I get out of the water and I run over to Lucas who is sitting in my chair. He looks comfortable, Perfect. I pretend like I don't see Lucas and I lay on his as if he was the chair. I turn my body so now I'm facing Lucas. He pushes me off of him and jumps into the pool "are you okay? You kind of just freaked out on me Huckleberry." He comes up out of the water and says "I'm fine I'm perfectly fine. I just wanted to take a dip." I get into the water and I swim over to him and say "it doesn't seem like you're fine." He cups my cheek and strokes it with his thumb while looking into his eyes "I'm perfectly fine so stop worrying." My face turns red and I starts laughing nervously. Lucas just chuckles then says "god your so in love with me." He strokes my cheeks a few time but I snap out of it. "What?! No I'm not. If anything you're in love me." He then moves closer to me and I put my hand onto his chest. He puts his hand on my waist and moves me closer until our half naked bodies are touching. "Are you trying to make a move on me?" I ask looking into his eyes. He smirks and says "and what if I was?" I roll my eyes and I swim away getting out of the pool while saying "god you're such a Huckleberry."I leave the pool room and change. Now I'm tired. I go in the bathroom and blow dry my hair after my shower and I get a text from Farkle
F- Hey

M-Hey wanna come to Shawn's beach house with me and Lucas

F- Sure. Is Riley coming?

M- Of course she is. I know you're in love with her. I would never invite you somewhere when Riley isn't coming

F- Thanks Maya

M- Actually can you invite Riley I don't feel like making another call

F- Of course I can Maya

M- Goodbye Farkle.

F- Goodbye Maya

I'm not going to lie I was trying to make a move on maya earlier. And when she was laying on top of me I might have gotten hard but I'm a teenage boy going through puberty what do you expect. A hot girl is laying on top of you making sexy faces and what not.

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